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Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Causal Analysis

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: 10 ECTS
Punkter: 10 ECTS


Forår 2013
Institutter: Sociologi
Studieordning: KA-metodefag
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Anders Holm
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
This course explores different research strategies to identify causal effect in the social sciences. Causal effects are interesting whenever we want to understand mechanisms. As an example we can think of the case of wage differentials across gender. This may be due to either discrimination or differences in background characteristics. Usually we would like to think about discrimination as a mechanism whereas differences in background characteristics would usually not been seen as a mechanism. So it may be important to be able to tell why there is pay differences across gender. To show causal effects the provision of a statistical relationship is usual not enough. The fundamental problem in identifying causal effects is therefore a matter of research design and research strategy. We will examine methods such as instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, propensity score matching, natural experiments, differences-in-differences, and randomized controlled trials. These methods all attempts to identify causal methods through various assumptions. The relevance of these different assumptions may or may not be applicable in a particular situation. The courses requires working knowledge of linear regression analysis. However, we begin with a review of standard linear regression analysis and then explain the shortcomings of this approach in the context of non-experimental data. Second, the course addresses the benefits of experimental data in terms of improving causal inference and also introduces several recent methods developed by statisticians and econometricians designed to improve causal statements from non-experimental and observational data. We will be using the statistical package Stata. How to use the different procedures in Stata will be introduced as we go along and there will be hands on exercises during the course.
Kursustilmelding finder sted på selvbetjeningen på KUnet i perioden 15. november - 1. december 2012 – ved kursustilmeldingen bliver man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen.

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Efter tilmelding til kurset er man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen. Er der flere eksamensformer skal man selv vælge eksamensform på selvbetjeningen på KUnet.

Til dette kursus er knyttet følgende eksamensformer:

• Skriftlig opgave

Bedømmelse: 7-trins-skala
Individuel eller gruppe
Intern censur
Omfang: Max 15 sider á 2400 tegn (inkl. mellemrum). Ved gruppebesvarelser tillægges 50 % á 2400 tegn pr. ekstra studerende.
Bemærk: Ved gruppebesvarelser skal den enkelte studerendes bidrag kunne konstateres.

Handing in of papers:

Deadline for handing in essay/synopsis

12.00 o’clock in the secretariat (16.1.26) - please click on the link below, to see the submission dates.

Deadline for aflevering af skriftlige opgaver/handing in papers

Kursus hjemmeside:
Bemærkninger: Kurset fungerer også som liniefag for specialiseringsretningen: Metode
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 19/3-2013

Københavns Universitet