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Political Ideologies in Twentieth-Century Europe

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Hum
Tilvalgskode: See Aim / Formål
ECTS points: 15 ECTS
Årsværk: 15 ECTS


1 semester
Institutter: European Studies (CEMES) and The SAXO Institute, Department of History

European Studies (CEMES) exams are administered by The SAXO Institute
Undervisere: Niklas Olsen, e-mail: nolsen@hum.ku.dk
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Humanistiske Fakultet Forår 2013 Hum
Første undervisningsgang: Monday 4th of February 2013, time: 11AM-1PM, room: 17.1.38
Undervisnings- form: Group instruction / Seminar
The course can be used as Modern European Studies 1: Free oral exam with material or Modern European Studies 2: Free written takehome assignment [European politics in a historical perspective].

The course can primarily be used as either Module I: Optional Historical Subject; Module II: Period Studies; Module IV: History and Social Sciences
Period: after 1914
Curriculum for Master´s Programme in History, The 2008 Curriculum.

Elective Studies (Bachelor):
Module T4: Historical Theme, Fagelement 47271050 [HHIB10501E] (15 ECTS)
Module T5: Historical Project, Fagelement 47271051 [HHIB10511E] (15 ECTS)
Curriculum for the Elective Studies in History, The 2007 Curriculum.
Indhold: This course explores the most important political ideologies in Europe from around 1900 until today, including fascism, Nazism, Marxism, communism, socialism, social- and Christian democratism and neo-liberalism.

The aim of the course is to discuss how these ideologies were created, what characterizes them, and what roles they have played in practical politics during the twentieth century. Moreover, the course discusses the potential – and the challenges – posed by various political ideologies to contemporary Europe.

Illuminating a long range of persons, movements and parties that were influential in shaping ideological thought and directing it into the arena of practical politics in various European countries, the course pays special attention to the rise and development of European neo-liberalism as a transnational political and economic ideology in Europe after 1945. Focus is here on the post-war institutionalization of the neo-liberal network that occurred with the founding of the Mont Pèlerin Society, a transnational think tank, in Switzerland in 1947, under the leadership of Friedrich von Hayek, and its development into a global intellectual network with immense political influence by the 1980s, when market-driven approaches re-shaped national societies and the world economy. In addition, the course explores the status of liberal political and economic values today, with a view to disagreements concerning how to solve, for example, the economic crisis and questions related to immigration, value pluralism and freedom of speech.

The course moreover gives an introduction to key theoretical and methodological discussions of what political ideology is and how the phenomenon can be studied. In line with recent research, we will not view ideology as a phenomenon with a fixed essence and core, but as a set of changeable concepts and patterns of thought that has been constantly defined and redefined in changing context by a variety of historical actors.

Course objectives (beside the objectives stipulated in the curriculum):
• knowledge of the most important political ideologies in twentieth century Europe
• knowledge of the potential and the challenges posed by various ideologies to contemporary Europe
• knowledge of theoretical and methodological tools that can be used to analyze the historical roots and contemporary manifestations of European ideologies
Litteratur: - Jan-Werner Müller: Contesting Democracy: Political Ideas in Twentieth Century Europe. New Haven, 2011.
-…to be announced!
Tilmelding: As a starting point enrollment takes place in the Self Service on KUnet:
European Studies (CEMES): see below
HISTORY / Form name for MA-level: Historie, Modul I-VI, KA, Forår 2013
HISTORY / Form name for BA-level: Historie, Tilvalg på eget grundfag, Modul T4 og T5, Foråret 2013
Ordinary enrollment period: 15 November – 3 December
Extraordinary enrollment period: 28 January – 11 February

In connection with enrollment in the Selfservice an exam type must be chosen for each course. The exam registration can be changed when the Selfservice opens up for exam editing in the spring.

During the ordinary enrollment period HISTORY students must select 4 out of the 12 courses offered as Module I-VI courses [BA-students: Module T4 and T5] in descending order, if they want to make sure to have a seat on a course – or courses - before the extraordinary enrollment period opens in the Selfservice.

If HISTORY students wants enrollment for two Module I-VI courses they need to make an ”X” in the pop-up textbox which appear in the Selfservice [only available for MA-students].

The Selfservice does not allow you to enroll if the course is to be used as a European Studies (CEMES) course or as an Individual Selective Study / enkeltstående kandidattilvalg.
If the course are to be used as a European Studies (CEMES) course or as an Individual Selective Study / enkeltstående kandidattilvalg you are kindly requested to fill in this form and send it to the Secretary of the Board of Annie Lumbye, e-mail: anlum@hum.ku.dk no later than 1st of February (application will be finalized as soon as possible, but not later than 11th of February).

The result of the enrollment will appear in the Selfservice no later than 28 January.

Visual guides to enrollment, check of enrollment, cancellation of enrollment etc.

If you are an International Student please contact chrislund@hum.ku.dk for enrollment.
[Modern European Studies 1: Free oral exam with material] or [Modern European Studies 2: Free written takehome assignment]
Assessment: The seven-point scale
Grading: Internal
European Studies (CEMES) exams are administered by The SAXO Institute

See Curriculum.

Find more information regarding exams on BA-level and MA-level.
Kursus hjemmeside:
Kursus hjemmeside: When your enrollment has the status Plads in the Selfservice on KUnet, it can take a period of up to three weekdays before you have access to the electronic courseroom in Absalon. If you are not connected to the electronic courseroom in Absalon after three weekdays, please contact chrislund@hum.ku.dk with the following information: name, KU-Username, CPR-No., coursename.

Log on to Absalon via KUnet.
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 23/1-2013

Københavns Universitet