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European Film, Media and Public Sphere

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Hum
Tilvalgskode: See Aim / Formål
ECTS points: 15 ECTS
Årsværk: 15 ECTS


1 semester
Institutter: European Studies (CEMES) and Department of Media, Cognition and Communication

European Studies (CEMES) exams are administered by The SAXO Institute
Undervisere: Hans-Jörg Trenz, e-mail: trenz@hum.ku.dk
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Humanistiske Fakultet Forår 2013 Hum
Første undervisningsgang: Monday 4th of February 2013, time: 2PM-4PM, room: 16.1.14
Undervisnings- form: Group instruction / Seminar
The course can be used as Modern European Studies 1: Free oral exam with material or Modern European Studies 2: Free written takehome assignment [European media and public].

Module 3: Media, aesthetics and genres
Module 8: Optional subject 1

Module 6: Optional subject 1
Indhold: The public sphere has emerged as a key concept in current debates on the transformation of the media, the state and democracy in contemporary Europe. This course is designed to conceptualize the mediating infrastructure and processes that have shaped modern Europe, generated democratic legitimacy and grounded collective identity. At the same time, the political, cultural and normative presuppositions of public sphere theory need to be critically scrutinized. In particularly mass media with its traditional print and broadcasting outlets engage a nationally demarcated public and operate on the basis of a shared language and institutional arena of public communication. Against this background, the course will discuss how and to what extent transnationalization of film, media and the public sphere affects structures and processes of political and socio-cultural re-configuration. The seminar schedule provides for a critical reading of the main texts of traditional public sphere theorizing and will approach the ‘rethinking of the public sphere’ in terms of community, media, political authority and normative requirements for democracy in contemporary Europe.

The academic objectives of the course are (beside the objectives stipulated in the curriculum):
• provide the students with a solid understanding of public sphere theorizing and the emergence of the modern public sphere and mass media in core European countries
• critically scrutinize the normative legacy of public sphere theory and its applicability to European integration
• understand recent developments of European culture and media policies, with a particular emphasis on film and new media
Tilmelding: As a starting point enrollment takes place in the Self Service on KUnet:
European Studies (CEMES): see below
FILM and MEDIA STUDIES / Form name: Film- og Medievidenskab KA / Film and Media MA, Spring 2013
Ordinary enrollment period: 15 November – 3 December
Extraordinary enrollment period: 28 January – 11 February

In connection with enrollment in the Selfservice an exam type must be chosen for each course. The exam registration can be changed when the Selfservice opens up for exam editing in the spring.

The Selfservice does not allow you to enroll if the course is to be used as a European Studies (CEMES) course or as an Individual Selective Study / enkeltstående kandidattilvalg.
If the course are to be used as a European Studies (CEMES) course you are kindly requested to fill in this form and send it to the Secretary of the Board of Annie Lumbye, e-mail: anlum@hum.ku.dk no later than 1st of February (application will be finalized as soon as possible, but not later than 11th of February).
If the course are to be used as an Individual Selective Study / enkeltstående kandidattilvalg in FILM and MEDIA STUDIES you are kindly requested to fill in this form and send it to the Board of Studies at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, e-mail: sn-mef@hum.ku.dk no later than 3rd of December.

The result of the enrollment will appear in the Selfservice no later than 28 January.

Visual guides to enrollment, check of enrollment, cancellation of enrollment etc.

If you are an International Student please contact chrislund@hum.ku.dk for enrollment.
[Modern European Studies 1: Free oral exam with material] or [Modern European Studies 2: Free written takehome assignment]
Assessment: The seven-point scale
Grading: Internal
European Studies (CEMES) exams are administered by The SAXO Institute

Module 3: Media, aesthetics and genres: Written home assignment, optional subject
Module 8: Optional subject 1: Written home assignment, optional subject
See Curriculum.

Find more information regarding exams on MA-level.

Module 6: Optional subject 1
See Curriculum.

Find more information regarding exams on MA-level.
Kursus hjemmeside:
Kursus hjemmeside: When your enrollment has the status Plads in the Selfservice on KUnet, it can take a period of up to three weekdays before you have access to the electronic courseroom in Absalon. If you are not connected to the electronic courseroom in Absalon after three weekdays, please contact chrislund@hum.ku.dk with the following information: name, KU-Username, CPR-No., coursename.

Log on to Absalon via KUnet.
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 1/2-2013

Københavns Universitet