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MIN, Racism: Theory and Cases

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Hum
ECTS points: 15 ECTS
Årsværk: 15 ECTS


1. semester
Institutter: Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier
Undervisere: Camilla Ravnbøl
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Humanistiske Fakultet Forår 2013 Hum
Første undervisningsgang: Uge 6
Formål: BA tilvalg, 2007-studieordningen, Særligt studeret emne A, fagelementkode, HMSB10041E eller Særligt studeret emne B, fagelementkode, HMSB10051E
KA tilvalg, 2008-ordningen, Emnekursus A, fagelementkode HMSK03111E eller Emnekursus B, fagelementkode HMSK03121E eller Minoriteter indenfor det centrale fag, fagelementkode HMSK03131E
Indhold: This course examines selected topics in the development, construction and contemporary manifestations of racism present in European and North American societies. The course begins with an overview of the roots of modern racism (such as scientific racism, imperialism, slavery etc.) from the end of the 18th century until today; identifying key factors in the processes of racialization (how people are naturalized by being seen as racial). A critical approach to the understanding of ‘race’ and racism will be developed, drawing upon theoretical perspectives from sociology, cultural studies, history, anthropology, and social theory. The course then focuses on features of racial identities and racism in USA, hate crimes, and contemporary racism – New Racism - linked to new legislation, policing and counter-terrorist measures that are casting Muslims, whether settled or immigrant, as the ‘enemy within’ in post 9/11 Europe. Special attention is paid to majority-minority relations. Students will be encouraged to assess the social implications of contemporary practices of racism and persistent racial and racist ideas, and the relevant legislation, against racism in a European and American context.
Eksamensform: Se relevant studieordning på http://hum.ku.dk/uddannelser/aktuelle_studieordninger/minoritetsstudier/
Kursus hjemmeside:
Kursus hjemmeside: Absalon
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 5/11-2012

Københavns Universitet