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Political Sociology. Theory Seminar

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: 10 ECTS


Forår 2013
Institutter: SOciologi
Studieordning: Fagkategori: Sociologiske teorifag
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Klaus Kondrup
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Formål: The lectures aim at presenting different answers to the central question in political sociology: how do we come to terms with the concept of power in the study of society? Here the question of power is put in the context of themes like religion and culture through which sociology has sought to come to terms with the concept of social cohesion. The introduction of religion and culture into political sociology accentuates a classic focus on the question: What is the force keeping society together? Throughout the introductory lectures, this general question will be raised in reference to our list of theoreticians. Both the classics and the modern responses to the classics revolve around this question in different forms and with different emphasis. We shall read a paragraph from Nietzsche and present a framework for grasping the different theoretical efforts in one framework where we can assess the different contributions with their different emphasis as we work our way through the history of political sociology. The course is lectures on the basis of texts. There is a compendium to the course. A final plan for reading is expected soon. Expect a short excerpt from the classics and around 50 pages of secondary reading per session. Below an outline for the course is given. It is not ready, but can be considered as final in its shape and form.
Indhold: The course is built in three steps. Firstly, we investigate the classics. Here we have taken a wide scope on the classical texts in political sociology. By introducing Sorel, we come to facilitate the introduction of genealogical and anthropological approaches to the subject. Secondly, we investigate some deeper reactions to its foundation from inside broadly founded philosophical and political theoretical approaches to our central questions. Thirdly, we come to contemporary perspectives on political sociology. Here we come to discuss modern topics in political sociology by focusing on our central themes of power and governance, and social cohesion and conflict. Finally, we come to a discussion of the demarcation between political sociology and political theory.

Introduction – Themes in Political Sociology

1. Themes in Political Sociology

The first lecture gives an introduction to this perspective and allows us to get acquainted with each other, review expectations and get a little deeper into why the syllabus looks like it does. There is no reading for the first lecture, but here we could have a small discussion of what is missing from the list of theoreticians and why!

2. The use of Religion and Culture in Political Sociology

What is the main theoretical focus in reading the history of Political Sociology today? The answer we shall give to this question will encircle an answer to what we could call the turn to religion in Political Sociology. We shall understand this turn as an example of importing the concept of culture into Political Sociology and the necessity of coming to terms with the notion of religion so deeply emphasized by Durkheim, Weber, Sorel and Schmitt. With a neutralization of the concept of religion we will be able to grasp the effect of culture on social cohesion, it will be argued. We read a small paragraph from Nietzsche and built a small framework for grasping theoretical discrepancies between functionalism, rationalism, genealogical sociology and political anthropology.

Primary reading: Friedrich Nietzsche: The Birth of the Tragedy, section VII, paragraph 6

Secondary reading: Jonathan H. Turner: Contemporary Sociological Theory, Sage, LA, 2013, p. 1 - 32

Part one The Classics

3. Emile Durkheim - The Function of Religion in Society

Primary reading: The Division of Labor , p. 97
Secondary reading: Jonathan H. Turner: Contemporary Sociological Theory, Sage, LA, 2013, p. 33 - 48

4. Max Weber – Bureaucracy and Power

Primary reading:
Secondary reading: Janoski, Alford, Hicks & Schwarts: The Handbook of Political Sociology – States, Civil Society and Globalization, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 33 – 53

5. Georges E. Sorel – Myth and Stratification

The genealogical method changes the perspective on institutions. When the birth of institutions is understood as fabrications in a radically political-societal context, the relation of power and discourse becomes the epicenter of investigation. Sorel makes a synthesis of thinkers like Henri Bergson, Vilfredo Pareto, and Friedrich Nietzsche into a theoretical composite that enables a radical focus for political sociology we later recognize in the use of genealogical method by Michel Foucault and in theoretical expositions like Hardt and Negri´s Empire.

Main concepts are violence, myth and power.

Primary reading: The Illusions of Progress + Reflections on Violence

6. Carl Schmitt – The Political and Sovereignty

Primary reading: The Concept of the Political

Part Two Postwar Reactions

7. Lewis A. Coser – The Function of Conflict

Primary reading: The Function of Social Conflict
Secondary reading: Jonathan H. Turner: Contemporary Sociological Theory, Sage, LA, 2013, p. 49 – 65 + 205 - 236

Reading: The Function of Social Conflict

8. Jürgen Habermas – Theory of Communicative Action

Critique of Rationalism and Functionalism

Reading: Theory of Communicative Action,

9. Michel Foucault – Disciplinary Institutions and Power

Reading: Discipline and Punishment, part 2 section I and II

Secondary reading: Janoski, Alford, Hicks & Schwarts: The Handbook of Political Sociology – States, Civil Society and Globalization, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 153 - 171

10. Samuel P. Huntington – Modernization and Political Movements

Reading: Political Order in Changing Societies, 1- 97

Secondary reading: Dobratz, Waldner & Buzzell: Power, Politics and Society, Pearson Education, Boston, 2012, p. 189 – 225 + Kate Nash: Contemporary Political Sociology: Globalization, Politics and Power, Wiley – Blackwell, UK, 2010, p. 87 – 130

Part Three Contemporary Themes

11. Power and Governance

Common to modern approaches to power and governance is the idea that governance structures develop with an increasing autonomy. Consequences of that autonomy is the topic for this lecture.

Primary reading: Luhmann, Beck, control, political systems and
Secondary reading: Jonathan H. Turner: Contemporary Sociological Theory, Sage, LA, 2013, p. 67 - 104

12. Social Cohesion and Conflict
Theoretical and Empirical aspects of recognition and culture

Collins, Honneth………..

Secondary reading: Jonathan H. Turner: Contemporary Sociological Theory, Sage, LA, 2013, p. 237 - 255

13. Political Sociology and Political Theory today
The turn to religion, the focus on stability: Political Anthropology, Constitutional Law, the question of power and the Theological approach to Political Sociology.

M. Kirvan: Girard and Theology, MPG Books Ltd. Cornwall, 2009, p. 20 – 32

14. Closure: The Political, Power and Social Cohesion
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• Afløsningsopgave

Bedømmelse: 7-trins-skala
Individuel eller gruppe
Ekstern censur
Omfang: Max 15 sider á 2400 tegn (inkl. mellemrum). Ved gruppebesvarelser tillægges 50 % á 2400 tegn pr. ekstra studerende.
Bemærk: Ved gruppebesvarelser skal den enkelte studerendes bidrag kunne konstateres.

Handing in of papers:

Deadline for handing in essay/synopsis

12.00 o’clock in the secretariat (16.1.26) - please click on the link below, to see the submission dates.

Deadline for aflevering af skriftlige opgaver/handing in papers

Kursus hjemmeside:
Bemærkninger: Kurset fungerer også som liniefag for specialiseringsretningen: Politisk Sociologi
Sidst redigeret: 19/3-2013

Københavns Universitet