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Water Supply and Sanitation in Emergencies

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Sund
ECTS points: 6 ECTS
Pris: Fee I: DKK 18,500, Fee II: DKK 25,000


Varighed: Full time lectures and exercises, including a few days of individual or group study.
Institutter: Copenhagen School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Assistant Professor Peter Kjær Jensen (petkj@sund.ku.dk)
Undervisnings- periode: 14 May - 13 June 2012
Undervisnings- form: A combination of lectures, group work, practical exercises, self/-group study, case studies, presentations and discussions in plenary. The main emphasis will be on participatory approaches.
Formål: By the end of the course participants will have a comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge of water and sanitation in the different phases of emergencies, including disease prevention and preparedness. With this knowledge participants should be able to assess and prioritize the water and sanitation needs for a population in emergency situations with foresight, and take appropriate measures in disease outbreak control in relation to water and sanitation.
Indhold: The course will be divided into 5 main clusters: Anthropological assessment approaches in emergency situations Health and disease transmission in emergency settings Technical and theoretical aspects of water and sanitation Practical aspects of water and sanitation Case study and exam where the participants will apply knowledge and skills acquired during the course
Lærebøger: Course book: Engineering in Emergencies - A Practical Guide for Relief Workers by Jan Davis & Robert Lambert - more info: http://www.redr.org/redr/support/resources/EinE/EinE.htm
Tilmelding: Application deadline: 14 February 2012
Eksamensform: Written exam (4 hours) with internal moderation. Grading according to the Danish 7-scale.
Kursus hjemmeside:
Kursus hjemmeside: globalhealth.ku.dk/watsan
Bemærkninger: This is an optional advanced course in the Master of Disaster Management and Master of International Health programmes.
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 5/10-2012

Københavns Universitet