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Health in Emergencies and Refugee Health

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Sund
ECTS points: 6 ECTS
Pris: Fee I: DKK 18,500, Fee II: DKK 25,000


Varighed: Full time lectures and exercises, including a few days of individual or group study.
Institutter: Copenhagen School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: External Lecturer Siri Tellier
Undervisnings- periode: 11 April - 9 May 2012
Undervisnings- form: The module is based on interdisciplinary teaching and problem oriented learning and seeks to draw on students' own experience as a resource. Both lectures and group work are important components. Group work will mainly be used in relation to specific case studies. For each session, we consider the current state of research, as well as policy and practice and critically examine the underlying paradigms. In addition, site visits to relevant private, public or voluntary-sector organisations will form part of the course programme. Thus, students are expected to actively participate in the learning process and prepare for the sessions by studying distributed and recommended reading materials.
Formål: The course aims at providing participants with an in-depth understanding of the broad range of issues which are crucial in planning, implementing and accounting for health interventions in contemporary emergencies. This includes an understanding of the rapidly evolving humanitarian reform process, and the roles which may be taken by local, national and international partners, such as UN, NGO or other. The emphasis is on a combination of state-of-the-art theoretical knowledge, familiarisation with the newest guidelines and agreed approaches, as well as practical exercises through group work, in order to develop a solid base for action. On completion of the course, participants should be able to: Critically appraise existing international and national policies and strategies utilising appropriate modes of analysis (f. inst. epidemiological, socio-economic, etc.); Critically analyse and discuss barriers to humanitarian interventions at international, national, and community level in a systems perspective; Apply relevant theories and concepts to formulate a humanitarian response plan as part of existing national relief efforts in a given country; Design and develop appropriate management strategies for humanitarian response, including planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation, in national and local contexts.
Indhold: The course addresses the following aspects related to disaster- & conflict related emergencies Conceptual & legal frameworks, i.e. conflict analysis, human rights, international humanitarian law and refugee conventions, guidelines on internally displaced persons, code of conduct Operational aspects of humanitarian interventions, i.e. needs assessment and public health surveillance, control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, mental health, reproductive health, violence and injuries, water and sanitation, nutrition, refugee camp planning Partnerships and roles in different stages of emergencies, e.g. humanitarian reform, role of national governmental and non governmental actors, community participation, prevention/recovery strategies
Tilmelding: Application deadline: 11 January 2012
Formelle krav: The applicants must live up to the Master of International Health admission criteria.
Eksamensform: Individual 4-hour written exam using essay questions. Grading according to the Danish 7-scale - external moderation.
Kursus hjemmeside:
Kursus hjemmeside: globalhealth.ku.dk/refugee
Bemærkninger: Recent disaster- and conflict-related crises have demonstrated the overwhelming need for skilled professionals who are able to respond adequately to complex emergencies. The University of Copenhagen offers an intensive four-week course on Health in Emergencies and Refugee Health aimed at professionals working, or aiming to work, with national or international emergency management agencies, relief organizations, national governments or the UN system. In order to develop a solid base for action, the course offers a combination of state-of-the-art theoretical knowledge, familiarisation with the newest guidelines and agreed approaches, as well as practical exercises through group work. The course aims at providing participants with an in-depth understanding of the complex range of issues involved in planning, implementing and accounting for health interventions in contemporary emergencies. This includes an understanding of the rapidly evolving humanitarian reform process, and the roles which may be taken by local, national and international partners.
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 5/10-2012

Københavns Universitet