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Visual anthropology in practice

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: There is a difference in ECTS points depending on which kind of student you are.
• Students enrolled at the bachelor degree in Anthropology receives 7,5 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the Master degree in Anthropology of 2008 receives 10 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the Master degree in Anthropology of 2012 receives 7,5 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the APCB-Master of 2009 receives 10 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the APCB-Master of 2012 receives 7,5 ECTS
• All exchange students, Credit students and Open University Students all receives 7,5 ECTS
Omfang: 1 x 4 timer x 7 uger
Kontaktpersoner: Perle Møhl, perle.mohl@anthro.ku.dk
Skema- oplysninger: For detailed information on timetables and course locations please push the "Vis skema for kurset " button below.
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Indhold: The course is open for students with no prior experience in working with film, and who wish to develop practical skills in using audiovisual methods and tools in connection with their anthropological research. The participants will be trained in using a videocamera in connection with an analytical project, in thinking and expressing themselves in images and sound, and in elaborating their recordings in accordance with their research and communicational purposes. The course is centered on practical exercises and their analysis, including an introduction to editing techniques, so the participants may learn to film purposefully ("shoot-to-edit"). Different camera techniques and film styles will be discussed and approached in practice, and the close relationship between technology - camera potentials and limitations, sound-image relationship, camera movement, framing, editing techniques, etc. - and knowledge production and reproduction will be investigated. At the beginning of the course, the participants are asked to propose a small personal film and research project/mini-fieldwork and to argue for the relevance and analytical potential of applying an audiovisual approach to this field, i.e. how a film-project or a visual method may be thought into and enrich the field research. Starting with a series of smaller exercises in filming and editing, the research project/mini-fieldwork will thereafter form the basis for the main practical exercises during the course and for the final editing exercise, resulting in a small film. The participants will work in groups of two for all the exercises. Equipment: The participants will be expected to bring their own cameras and portable computers for editing (preferable Mac), one camera and one computer for every group of two participants. Some equipment may be provided by the institute. The course is time-consuming and the participants will be expected to devote time outside the scheduled courses for the majority of the practical film exercises.

Maximum number of students is 16; priority is given to students who have followed the course "Visual Anthropology" (offered in autumn 2012 and again in spring 2013).
  • Studerende indskrevet på Institut for Antropologi: Tilmelding kan ske fra 15.november til 1. december via Københavns Universitets elektroniske selvbetjening KUnet, læs mere her: Kursustilmelding (kræver login på intranettet). Har du mistet din pinkode kan du få den udleveret ved at kontakte Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
  • Merit/Tilvalgsstuderende har ansøgningsfrist den 1. december læs mere her
  • Studerende under Åbent Universitet har ansøgningsfrist den 1. december: læs mere her.
Eksamensform: Den studerende skal deltage aktivt i undervisningen for at kunne aflægge eksamen i kurset. Parametrene for aktiv deltagelse fastsættes af underviser og kan f. eks. være oplæg.

Læs mere om eksamensformer
Eksamen: For information om eksamens til- og framelding se følgende links:
Kursus hjemmeside:
Bemærkninger: Maximum number of students is 16

Priority is given to students who have followed the course "Visual Anthropology".
Pensum: BA-, merit-, og åben uddannelsesstuderende 300 siders obligatorisk pensum KA-studerende: 300 sider obligatorisk + 100 sider selvvalgt litteratur. Selvvalgt litteratur skal være relateret til kursets tema. Selvvalgt litteratur skal tydeligt angives som et underpunkt
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 2/11-2012

Københavns Universitet