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Visual Mapping: Towards an Enactive Ethnography

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: There is a difference in ECTS points depending on which kind of student you are.
• Students enrolled at the bachelor degree in Anthropology receives 7,5 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the Master degree in Anthropology of 2008 receives 10 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the Master degree in Anthropology of 2012 receives 7,5 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the APCB-Master of 2009 receives 10 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the APCB-Master of 2012 receives 7,5 ECTS
• All exchange students, Credit students and Open University Students all receives 7,5 ECTS
Omfang: 3 hours x 9 weeks (week 14-23)
Kontaktpersoner: Christian Vium, christian.vium@anthro.ku.dk
Skema- oplysninger: For detailed information on timetables and course locations please push the "Vis skema for kurset " button below.
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Undervisnings- form: Group work, practical assignents, portfolio examination, lectures and invited guests.
Indhold: Maps are powerful and evocative ways of representing and communicating information about complex topics or areas. Over the course of history maps have been associated with the establishment of claims to authority, ownership and influence, be it by nation states, tribes, indigenous groups, capitalist entities or scientific scholars. Technological advancements have rendered detailed map-making increasingly accessible through GPS enabled devices and satellite imaging systems such as Google Earth, and creative and interactive forms of mapmaking are becoming increasingly applied components in research projects in both private and academic settings. This course will provide a theoretical and conceptual overview of mapping along with methodological and analytical tools for conducting visual ethnographic mapping in a wide variety of settings. The course will introduce students to cardinal texts (both classical and contemporary) on mapping, and introduce a range of mapping tools and examples of mappings, so as to render the students capable of analysing mappings, designing mapping components for their research projects and engage in particpatory mapping projects. The exam is based on a portfolio consisting of a concrete mapping accompanied by a reflexive methodological and analytical essay which frames the particular mapping. The course has a strong collaborative foundation and students will collaborate in groups and are expected to do a collective presentation during the course in addition to the presentation of their visual mapping in conjunction with their examination. The course will benefit from presentations by a number of professionals engaged in visual mapping. Students are expected to bring along a photographic camera (SLR, compact or smartphone with camera) and if possible a GPS enabled device (ex. smartphone or actual GPS receiver).
Målbeskrivelse: Students who complete the course will : • acquire an understanding of mapping in an ethnographic context • reflect on central academic texts on mapping • be exposed to a wide range of examples of visual mappings. • understand, use and critisize elements of contemporary visual mapmaking • produce their own visual ethnographic mapping
  • Studerende indskrevet på Institut for Antropologi: Tilmelding kan ske fra 15.november til 1. december via Københavns Universitets elektroniske selvbetjening KUnet, læs mere her: Kursustilmelding (kræver login på intranettet). Har du mistet din pinkode kan du få den udleveret ved at kontakte Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
  • Merit/Tilvalgsstuderende har ansøgningsfrist den 1. december læs mere her
  • Studerende under Åbent Universitet har ansøgningsfrist den 1. december: læs mere her.
Eksamensform: Portfolio assignment with essay.
Eksamen: For information om eksamens til- og framelding se følgende links:
Kursus hjemmeside:
Pensum: Pensum afhænger af eksamensform og opgaveomfang. Der tages udgangspunkt i følgende modeller:

Model I (27-28 undervisningstimer): BA-, merit-, og åben uddannelsesstuderende 500 siders obligatorisk pensum KA-studerende: 500 sider obligatorisk + 200 sider selvvalgt litteratur.

Model II (20-21 undervisningstimer): BA-, merit-, og åben uddannelsesstuderende 400 siders obligatorisk pensum + 100 siders selvvalgt pensum.
Ka-studerende: 400 sider obligatorisk + 300 sider selvvalgt litteratur.

Model III (15 undervisningstimer): (kun KA-studerende):300 sider obligatorisk + 400 sider selvvalgt litteratur

Selvvalgt litteratur skal være relateret til kursets tema. Selvvalgt litteratur skal tydeligt angives som et underpunkt på den litteraturliste, der afleveres med essayet.
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 16/10-2012

Københavns Universitet