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Anthropology: Methodology and analysis

Semesterangivelse: Forår og Efterår


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: 15 ECTS.
Punkter: 15 ECTS.
Varighed: 15 weeks.
Institutter: Department of anthropology.
Skema- oplysninger: For detailed information on timetables and course locations please push the "Vis skema for kurset " button below.
Note: The current timetable information is not finally approved - changes may appear.
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Undervisnings- form: Combination of lectures, seminar discussions, work in groups and student presentations
Indhold: "Doing anthropological research means submerging oneself into the world of the Other. It is an exploration of peoples' conditions of existence and the lives they live within them. By applying qualitative research designs and methods to social problems and processes, anthropologists investigate cultures and societies, majorities and minorities from within. We make the strange familiar by spending extended periods of time in the field, living with the people we research, interviewing them, observing and participating in their lives. The methodology leads the researcher deep into social worlds in order to reveal the underlying logics of social processes and formations. This course provides an introduction to ethnographic methods and qualitative research techniques; theoretically as well as practically. Students will be introduce to and trained in anthropological methods by way of anthropological literature and practical exercises and are expected to form groups to plan and carry out their own ethnographic project. The course falls in four phases; 1) An introduction to anthropology and ethnographic praxis. In this phase the students will also form fieldwork groups based on interest; field site(s) and topic. 2) Methods and exercises 3) Fieldwork exercise (3 weeks) 4) Project presentations and workshop on working with qualitative material Focusing on in-depth interviews, focus group interviews and participant-observation the course will give students an insight into the core methods used in anthropological fieldwork. It will introduce the different techniques that anthropologists use to open up social and cultural worlds, clarify the different types of findings they produce, and dwell on the way they supplement each other. The guiding didactic principle in class is appreciative feedback.
Målbeskrivelse: Learning objectives At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to:
  • Prepare and carry through an ethnographic fieldwork exercise based on an explicit statement of an anthropological problem
  • Demonstrate the appropriateness (or relevance) of the choice of field (including the specific setting and the people under consideration) for the problem statement (In other words, why investigate THIS problem HERE?)
  • Assess chosen methods in relation to an anthropological problem and fieldwork setting.
  • Identify and assess the significance of field worker position in the exercise
  • Identify and assess the significance of access to the field in the exercise
  • Identify and assess ethical issues related to the fieldwork exercise
  • Formulate methodological reflections on the completed field exercise in relation to selected methodological discussions in anthropology.
  • Sketch theoretical and analytical perspectives in relation to the problem statement and the ethnographic data generated
Lærebøger: Books and course packs will be available at the campus book store akademisk boghandel. For more information about the required readings click here
  • Studerende indskrevet på Institut for Antropologi: Tilmelding kan ske fra 15.november til 1. december via Københavns Universitets elektroniske selvbetjening KUnet, læs mere her: Kursustilmelding (kræver login på intranettet). Har du mistet din pinkode kan du få den udleveret ved at kontakte Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
  • Merit/Tilvalgsstuderende har ansøgningsfrist den 1. december læs mere her
  • Studerende under Åbent Universitet har ansøgningsfrist den 1. december: læs mere her.
Eksamensform: Students following the course "Anthropology: Methodology and analysis" must hand in a fieldreport at the end of the semester. You can hand in the report individually or in a group of maximum 4 persons. The fieldreport must be 35.000 keystrokes (+/- 10%) + 5.000 per ekstra member of the group, ie. if you are 3 students working together your fieldreport must be 45.000 keystrokes (+/- 10 %). The fieldreport will be assessed according to the Danish grading scale. The contribution of each student must be ascertainable to ensure that each student receive an individual assessment.
Eksamen: For information on how to register or deregister for exams see the following link

Time and date for the examination will be published on this homepage.
Kursus hjemmeside:
Kursus hjemmeside: The course has a web page on Absalon. The web page will be accessible through University of Copenhagen’s web portal KUnet. You will have to log on using your civil registration number and pin code. You will automatically have access to absalon when your registration to this course is registered.
Bemærkninger: If you have any questions about this course, please contact the student advisors by email: studievejledning@anthro.ku.dk
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 14/11-2012

Københavns Universitet