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International Consultancy, Anthropology in Practice

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: There is a difference in ECTS points depending on which kind of student you are.
• Students enrolled at the bachelor degree in Anthropology receive 7,5 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the Master degree in Anthropology of 2008 receive 10 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the Master degree in Anthropology of 2012 receive 7,5 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the APCB-Master of 2009 receive 10 ECTS
• Students enrolled at the APCB-Master of 2012 receive 7,5 ECTS
• All exchange students, Credit students and Open University Students all receive 7,5 ECTS
Omfang: 4 hours x 7 weeks (week 6-12)
Kontaktpersoner: Susanne Jespersen,susanne.branner.jespersen@anthro.ku.dk
Skema- oplysninger: For detailed information on timetables and course locations please push the "Vis skema for kurset " button below.
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Undervisnings- form: The teaching will be based on participatory methods. Students are required to work actively in groups.
Indhold: Ever wondered how to transform your anthropological knowledge into concrete action? In this course, we will be anthropologists on consultancy team missions. Through concrete cases, students will need to respond to a call (Terms of Reference) from the EU, a UN agency or an international NGO. The cases will be related to health, education, and/or agriculture and taken from different regions in the global south (i.e. the so-called “developing” countries). In groups, the students will practice the art of searching information and research data about the concrete area and theme of the consultancy, thus transforming their anthropological knowledge into concrete action. Their main task during the course will be to produce a technical and financial proposal to one of the aforementioned agencies and deliver it as a final report, which has to be presented to a panel of external reviewers from well-known consultancies groups. The focus of the course will be on learning the tools of participatory research methods and the workflow of international consultancy work while at the same time keeping a critical view of the consultancy business. Participatory research methods can be used in most anthropological endeavours and the course offers insight to a wide range of areas where to apply these. More and more, anthropologists are recruited as consultants and we will also explore the problems, issues and dilemmas surrounding the consultant role. Engaging in consultancy work raises ethical and political issues about “whose problems” and “whose solutions”. At the end of each class and based on selected literature, we will focus on and debate these issues as well.
Målbeskrivelse: At the end of the course, the students will: 1. Have gained knowledge about participatory learning, approaches and methods. 2. Be confident with the expectations and workflow of international consultancy work in the global south. 3. Be able to use participatory research tools and techniques. 4. Try to communicate complex data in a short and comprehensive manner to an audience. 5. Be able to critically analyse the role of international consultants in development work. 6. Identify own strengths and points of improved if interested in international consultancy work in the global south.
Lærebøger: Literature: The course will take its departure in these two books: N. Narayanasamy, 2009. Participatory Rural Appraisal. Principles, Methods and Application. Britha Mikkelsen, 1995, 2005. Methods for Development Work and Research. A Guide for Practitioners.
  • Studerende indskrevet på Institut for Antropologi: Tilmelding kan ske fra 15. november til 1. december via Københavns Universitets elektroniske selvbetjening KUnet, læs mere her: Kursustilmelding (kræver login på intranettet). Har du mistet din pinkode kan du få den udleveret ved at kontakte Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet.
  • Merit/Tilvalgsstuderende har ansøgningsfrist den 1. december læs mere her
  • Studerende under Åbent Universitet har ansøgningsfrist den 1. december: læs mere her.
Formelle krav: A number of portefolio papers must be submitted throughout the course. In order to participate in the examinations the students have to present their final report to a panel of external reviewers.
Eksamensform: Den studerende skal deltage aktivt i undervisningen for at kunne aflægge eksamen i kurset. Parametrene for aktiv deltagelse fastsættes af underviser og kan f. eks. være oplæg. Læs mere om eksamensformer
Eksamen: For information om eksamens til- og framelding se følgende links:

• Studerende indskrevet ved Institut for Antropologi, læse mere her: (kræver login på KUnet) BA-studerende / KA-studerende

Meritstuderende og studerende under Åbent Universitet

Tidspunkter og sted for eksamen offentliggøres i løbet af semesteret på denne side (kræver login på KUnet).
Kursus hjemmeside:
Pensum: Pensum afhænger af eksamensform og opgaveomfang. Der tages udgangspunkt i følgende modeller:

Model I (27-28 undervisningstimer): BA-, merit-, og åben uddannelsesstuderende 500 siders obligatorisk pensum KA-studerende: 500 sider obligatorisk + 200 sider selvvalgt litteratur.

Model II (20-21 undervisningstimer): BA-, merit-, og åben uddannelsesstuderende 400 siders obligatorisk pensum + 100 siders selvvalgt pensum. KA-studerende: 400 sider obligatorisk + 300 sider selvvalgt litteratur.

Model III (15 undervisningstimer): (kun KA-studerende):300 sider obligatorisk + 400 sider selvvalgt litteratur

Selvvalgt litteratur skal være relateret til kursets tema. Selvvalgt litteratur skal tydeligt angives som et underpunkt

Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 14/11-2012

Københavns Universitet