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Norbert Elias and Process Sociology: a sociological approach for the 21st century

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: 5 ECTS
Punkter: 5 ECTS


Forår 2013
Institutter: Sociologi
Studieordning: Fagkategori: Sociologiske teorifag
Kontaktpersoner: Teacher: Dr. Norman Gabriel is a Lecturer at the University of Plymouth. He is inspired by the works of Norbert Elias, conducting research in early childhood studies and the relation between sociology and developmental psychology. norman.r.gabriel@plymouth.ac.uk
Skema- oplysninger:
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Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Undervisnings- form: Course structure and teaching methods

This course is an intensive five day course, from Monday to Friday, which will be taught by a combination of lectures and group discussions. Because it is a short course and Norbert Elias may be a relatively new sociologist for some of you, we will mainly focus on important concepts in his theoretical-empirical perspective. For a good summary of some of the important criticisms of Elias’s perspective, see the book by Robert van Krieken (1998), Norbert Elias, London: Routledge.
Formål: Course Aims and Objectives:

This course will explore the sociological ‘thinking’ of Norbert Elias, one of the most prolific authors and sociologists of the 20th century. It will introduce his thinking on a wide range of fields and subjects, critically examining his important contribution to sociology.
The sociological approach of Norbert Elias is now increasingly being recognised as one of the most important of the 20th century. But apart from a relatively small number of sociologists who are developing his work, the significance of his contribution still remains marginalised. This course will outline some of the major aspects of his unique sociological thinking, and the ways that his concepts can be used to explain long-term developments in societies.

Course structure

Monday FEB 18 Situating Elias – Theoretical and Historical Orientations

An overview of the key concepts and themes in Elias’s writings and his bold attempt to develop a long-term perspective which explains the patterns of interdependence that human beings weave together.

Elias, N. (1978) What is Sociology? New York: Columbia University Press. Chapters 4 & 5

Kilminster, R. (2007) Norbert Elias: Post-philosophical Sociology, London, Routledge.

Mennell, S. (1998) Norbert Elias: An Introduction. Dublin: University College Dublin Press

Van Krieken, R. (1998) Norbert Elias, London: Routledge.

Tuesday FEB 19 Sociological theories of knowledge and perception

How do we learn to communicate and survive in societies? And build more adequate explanations of our natural-social world? We will examine Elias’s views on symbols, looking at time, language and scientific knowledge.

Elias, N. (1992) Preface in Time: an Essay. Oxford: Blackwell.

Elias, N. (1991) The Symbol Theory, London: Sage.

Kaspersen, L. B. and Gabriel, N. 2008 ‘The importance of survival units for Norbert Elias’s figurational perspective,’ Sociological Review, Vol. 56, 3: 370-387.

Kilminster, R. (2004) ‘From distance to detachment: knowledge and self-knowledge in Elias’s theory of involvement and detachment,’ in S. Loyal and S. Quilley (eds.) The Sociology of Norbert Elias, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.25-41.

Wednesday FEB 20 Long-term Processes – movements and directions

This session will mainly focus on the Civilizing Process and why this work is considered to be one of his most important contributions to sociology.

Elias, N. (2000) The Civilizing Process (Revised Edition) Oxford: Blackwell. Part Four: Synopsis, p.363-414.

Elias, N. (1998) ‘The Civilizing of Parents’, chapter 27 in The Norbert Elias Reader, Ed. by J. Goudsblom and S. Mennell. Oxford: Blackwell.

Gabriel, N. 'An Informalising Spurt in Clothing Regimes: Court Ballet in the Civilizing Process', in W. J. F. Keenan (2001) Ed. Dressed to Impress - Looking the Part, pp. 69-83, Oxford: Berg.

Thursday FEB 21 Established-Outsider Figurations and Communities

Elias, N. and J. L. Scotson (1994) The Established and the Outsiders – A Sociological Enquiry into Community Problems, Second Edition, London: Sage. Introduction: a Theoretical Essay on Established and Outsider Relations by Norbert Elias.

Elias, N. (1994) Mozart: Portrait of a Genius. Cambridge: Polity. Part 1, p.10-41.

Elias, N. (1987) The Changing Balance of Power between the Sexes – A Process Sociological Study: The Example of the Ancient Roman State in Norbert Elias and Figurational Sociology, Special Issue of Theory, Culture and Society, Volume 4, numbers 2-3.

Why are modern societies divided by class, gender, age and ethnicity? We will discuss some of the important insights that Elias provides about the socio-psychological aspects of social inequalities.

Friday FEB 22 The Quest for Excitement

Are we bored with modern living? A review of the sociological perspective that Eric Dunning and Elias developed to explain the importance of ‘recreational’ activities, especially sport.

Dunning, E. (1999) – Sport Matters – Sociological studies of sport, violence and civilization, London: Routledge.

Elias, N. and E. Dunning (1993) Quest for Excitement – Sport and Leisure in the Civilizing Process, Oxford: Blackwell. Introduction by Norbert Elias.

Elias, N. (2007) The Genesis of the Naval Profession, Dublin: University College Dublin Press.
Lærebøger: Examination requirement app. 400 pages
Requirement readings/syllabus will be distributed during the first session.
Compendium can be purchased at the Akademisk Boghandel, CSS, Øster Farimagsgade 5, building 7, at the beginning of the semester.
Kursustilmelding finder sted på selvbetjeningen på KUnet i perioden 15. november - 1. december 2012 – ved kursustilmeldingen bliver man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen.

Tilmelding som meritstuderende: læs mere her

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Efter tilmelding til kurset er man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen. Er der flere eksamensformer skal man selv vælge eksamensform på selvbetjeningen på KUnet.

• Free written take-home eassay

Assesment: The exams are marked acccording to the 7-points- scala.
Examiner: External examiner.
Group/individual:. The essay may be written individually or by a group (max. 4 persons)
Size: An essay of maximum 7½ pages of 2400 characters each page. If written by a group, the essay may be 50 % of 7½ pages of 2400 characters each page longer per additional student.
Attention: When handing in as a group, the contribution of each student must be pointed out

Handing in of papers:

Deadline for handing in essay/synopsis

12.00 o’clock in the secretariat (16.1.26) - please click on the link below, to see the submission dates.

Deadline for aflevering af skriftlige opgaver/handing in papers

Kursus hjemmeside:
Bemærkninger: MA-level(Engelsk)
Not for undergraduates from our own Department of Sociology. However, it is open for international students at a BA-level..

Kurset fungerer samtidig som liniefag i specialseringsretnigen: Kultursociologi
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 19/3-2013

Københavns Universitet