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Globalisation, economic crisis and employment relations in Europe

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: 10 ECTS
Punkter: 10 ects


Forår 2013
Studieordning: Fagkategori: Sociologiske Temafag
Kontaktpersoner: Maria da Paz Campos Lima; email: pazmlima@gmail.com
Skema- oplysninger:
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Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Formål: AIM:
The course aims to increase the knowledge about the globalisation, and financial and economic crisis effects on labour markets, employment relations and labour rights in Europe, from a comparative and analytical perspective; and to train in analysing specific challenges and trends in relation to labour law reforms and labour market flexibility, collective bargaining decentralization, employment protection, active labour market policies and industrial relations processes involving unions employers organizations and state agencies. The course focus on how those trends are challenging previous patterns of employment relations in European countries taking into consideration the different varieties of capitalism, of industrial relations systems and welfare models. Furthermore, the course focus on supra national European policies and challenges to member states labour market regulation
Indhold: Contents:
The course focuses on globalisation and challenges in relation to labour markets and employment relations. The changes introduced by information technology, multinational companies, and world trade rules and new migrations are examined as crucial factors of globalisation, which might impact in labour relations and labour rights and challenge the traditional national- centred practices and strategies of social actors (namely employers organisations and trade unions), The course examines the impact of financial and economic crisis and austerity policies in European countries from a comparative perspective with focus on: labour law reforms and labour market flexibility; wage and working time flexibility arrangements, collective bargaining decentralization and employees participation; employment protection and flexicurity; and active labour market policies. The course will examine supra national European policies and trends in relation to austerity and labour market reforms and their impact in to member states labour market regulations.
The course focus also on the strategies and responses of labour market actors, and bargaining processes, in European countries, at the local, sector national and supranational level, and to the role played by European supranational institutions in relation to those processes.
Lærebøger: Examination requirement app. 800 pages
Requirement readings/syllabus will be distributed during the first session.
Compendium can be purchased at the Academic Books, CSS, Øster Farimagsgade 5, building 7, at the beginning of the semester.
Kursustilmelding finder sted på selvbetjeningen på KUnet i periode 15. november - 1. december 2012 – ved kursustilmeldingen bliver man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen.

Tilmelding som meritstuderende: læs mere her

Please note: Signing up for courses and exams takes place in the period from November 15 - December 1, 2012. When you sign up for courses you are automatically signed up for exam.
International students must sign up by filling in an application form which you find here: http://sociologi.ku.dk/english/courses/
Efter tilmelding til kurset er man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen. Er der flere eksamensformer skal man selv vælge eksamensform på selvbetjeningen på KUnet.

• Free written take-home essay

• Oral exam based upon a synopsis

Assesment: The exams are marked acccording to the 7-points-scala
Examiner: Internal examiner

Free written take-home essay:
Group/individual:. The Free written take-home essay may be written individually or by a group (max. 4 persons)
Size: An Free written take-home essay of maximum 15 pages of 2400 characters each page. If written by a group, the essay may be 7½ pages of 2400 characters each page longer per additional student.
Attention: When handing in as a group, the contribution of each student must be pointed out

An oral exam based upon a topic chosen by the individual student
Group/individual: Individual
Size: A synopsis of maximum 3 pages of 2400 characters. The synopsis may be handed in as a group. However, the oral exam is on individual basis. The synopsis itself is ment as a discussion paper and does not enter into the assesment.

Aflevering af eksamensopgaver:

Kl. 12.00 i sekretariatet (16.1.26) – For at se listen med afleveringsdatoer, klik venligst på nedenstående link.

Deadline for aflevering af skriftlige opgaver/handing in papers

Kursus hjemmeside:
Bemærkninger: MA-level (Engelsk)
Not for undergraduates from our own Department of Sociology Not for undergraduates from other danish departments. BA-Undergraduates from foreign countries can sign up for this course.

Kurset fungerer samtidig som liniefag i specialseringsretnigen: Organisation, Ledelse og Arbejdsmarked
Pensum: Tilføjes senere eller udleveres første undervisningsgang
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 19/3-2013

Københavns Universitet