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Sociology of Organizations

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: 10 ects
Punkter: 10 ects


Forår 2013
Studieordning: Valgfag: BA/KA
Uddannelsesdel: Bachelor niveau, Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Helge Albrechtsen, E-mail: hal@soc.ku.dk
Skema- oplysninger:
For detailed information on timetables and course locations please push the "Vis skema for kurset " button below.

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Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Undervisnings- form:
Undervisnings- form: Lectures including discussion. During the course, students will be encouraged to apply the acquired theoretical and methodological approaches on selected cases, e.g. by using some of the cases discussed in the course or by selecting some individually.
The aim of the course is to give students the skills required for: a) analysing organisations according to various theoretical approaches, b) assessing changes in strategies, structures and processes as regards the achievement of organisational targets, c) doing further studies in the field of organisational sociology, d) classifying organisational sociology in relation to the neighbour disciplines.
Organisational sociology is a fascinating subject because it is applied science dealing with ’living people’. Within modern and thus highly differentiated societies most functions essential to the reproduction of society are carried out by organisations. Consequently, most people are involved in one or more organisations.

Theories about organisations are manifold, and considered in a historical perspective they have changed with the development of the industrial society. Consequently, it is important to consider their origins as well as their relationship to other research fields dealing with organisations such as economy and political science.

Within organisational theories, the analysis of the relationship between participants, structure, processes and culture is essential for understanding how organisations are able to achieve their goals. Organisations were by and large considered as closed systems during the first half of the 20th century, either as hierarchical industrial production or as administrative bureaucracy. However, the importance of the environment with regard to the development of the internal as well as external relationships of organisations has since been emphasised. Within the analysis of such open systems, the shift of perspective is mirrored in a wide range of organisational sociological positions today, i.e. institutional, action theoretical (RC), systems theoretical, structuration theoretical, cultural (symbolic interactionism and phenomenology) and feminist approaches.

During the course it will be demonstrated how these theoretical approached may be applied to various degrees when analysing different types of organisations. These organisations comprise industry, services, public administration, interest representation, states, transnational co-ordination (e.g. the EU), but also networks of so-called intermediate organisations between the welfare state and the marked (e.g. voluntarily work). The course will provide an illustration of the discussion of the different theoretical approached by drawing on existing empirical analysis of relevant types of organisations, ranging from kindergartens to states or transnational institutions. During the course the students will be encouraged to use a case when illustrating their discussion of one or more organisational sociological positions within the framework of the oral examination.

Actively participating students have to hand in a working paper (3-5 pages) three times during the semester. The papers will be evaluated according to the mark pass/fail. Students who need a grade will have to complete the course by a 15 page written essay, which will be marked according to the Danish standard of marking.
Examination requirement app. 800 pages
• A course compendium (around 800 pages) which is available at the campus bookstore: Academic Books at CSS Requirement readings/syllabus will be distributed during the first session. Compendium can be purchased at the Akademisk Boghandel, CSS, Øster Farimagsgade 5, building 7, at the beginning of the semester.
Kursustilmelding finder sted på selvbetjeningen på KUnet i periode 15. november - 1. december 2012 – ved kursustilmeldingen bliver man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen.

Tilmelding som meritstuderende: læs mere her

Please note: Signing up for courses and exams takes place in the period from November 15 - December 1, 2012. When you sign up for courses you are automatically signed up for exam.
International students must sign up by filling in an application form which you find here: http://sociologi.ku.dk/english/courses/
Efter tilmelding til kurset er man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen. Er der flere eksamensformer skal man selv vælge eksamensform på selvbetjeningen på KUnet.

Der er mødepligt til kurset. Den studerende skal deltage i 75% af undervisningen for at kunne aflægge eksamen i kurset. Dette gælder for alle studerende.

Til dette kursus er knyttet følgende eksamensformer:

• Active participation with handing in of small papers during the course

Assesment: Evaluated pass/fail
Group/individual: individual.

For students who need evaluation according to the 7-points- scala

• Oral exam based upon a Synopsis

An oral exam based upon a topic chosen by the individual student
Group/individual: Individual
Size: A synopsis of maximum 3 pages of 2400 characters. The synopsis may be handed in as a group. However, the oral exam is on individual basis. The synopsis itself is meant as a discussion paper and does not enter into the assessment

• Free written take-home essay with petitum

Assesment: The exams are marked according to the 7-points- scala
Examiner: Internal examiner.
Group/individual: The Free written take-home essay may be written individually or by group (max 4 persons)
Attention: When handing in as a group, the contribution of each student must be pointed out
Size: An Free written take-home essay of maximun 15 pages of 2400 characters each page. If written by a group, the Free written take-home eaasy may be 7½ pages of 2400 characters each page longer per additional student.

Aflevering af eksamensopgaver:

Kl. 12.00 i sekretariatet (16.1.26) – For at se listen med afleveringsdatoer, klik venligst på nedenstående link.

Deadline for aflevering af skriftlige opgaver/handing in papers

Kursus hjemmeside:
Bemærkninger: BA and MA level(Engelsk)
BA-Undergraduates can sign up for this course
Kurset fungerer også som liniefag for specialiseringsretningen: Organisation, Ledelse og Arbejdsmarked
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 19/3-2013

Københavns Universitet