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Globalisation and International Migration

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: 10 ects
Punkter: 10 ects


Forår 2013
Institutter: Sociologi
Studieordning: Modul: Valgfag BA+MA
Kontaktpersoner: Professor Yosef Kamal, E-mail yk@soc.ku.dk
Skema- oplysninger:
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Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Undervisnings- form: TEACHING METHODS:
The course will meet weekly for a two-hour. The format of the course is primarily lectures and structured discussion. In order to foster a dialogical learning environment, students are required to have read the course material prior to arriving in class.

TEACHING LANGUAGE: Only English. Papers can also be handed in Danish and other Scandinavian languages (Swedish and Norwegian).
Formål: This module introduces students to global trends in international migration and to give a good understanding of the central patterns, processes and issues in European migration and diaspora. The current”'migration crisis' is examined through analysis of immigration's impact on the nation state and society, and the response by the state and supranational institution (EU) to this challenge in terms of policies towards immigrants. Students will learn to assess the dynamics of international migration and integration in a comparative perspective, and to identify general and specific theories pertaining to these dynamics and stemming from various academic disciplines. Students will be asked to apply these theories to concrete case(s) from readings and/or their own case, and in doing so, putting theoretical notions to an empirical test. To this end, it will examine a range of contemporary issues such as migration processes, trends in policies towards asylum-seekers and refugees, control, integration policies, harmonisation and its effects, including trafficking and smuggling, multiculturalism, changing social attitude, securitisation, racism, and the response of political parties to migratory issues. Geographically, the module will cover the entire world, but with emphasis on the situation in European Union.
Human migration has shaped the world we live in and, despite contemporary efforts to control the movement of people, there is every reason to believe that migration will continue to shape human communities and world politics in the future. The massive movement of people across national
boundaries is fuelled by a host of powerful forces, including: refugees whom states are obligated to protect, rising demand for both skilled and unskilled labour in aging industrial societies; a decreased capacity or willingness to control the movement of people in a globalised world economy; and the continued upheaval and lack of opportunity in large parts of the developing countries. Taken together, the forces that favour migration might seem to resemble the proverbial irresistible force. At the same time, immigration is accompanied by a host of social, economic and political tensions. Migrants are blamed for increased crime and social disintegration. Immigration provokes fears of reduced wages and increased competition for jobs, social services, and preservation of national cohesion, Above all migration is viewed by many as a threat to national sovereignty and national identity which resulted in fundamental changes in immigration policy and securitization of migration. As a result, the past two decades has witnessed a sharp upsurge of xenophobic parties and movements around the world, most notably in Western Europe. At present immigration is amongst one of the most hotly contested issues and around the world and also has become a priority issue in Europe. This is a function of both the end of the Cold War and trends towards increased globalisation witnessed in recent decades. This module will examine international migration within the context of the on-going processes of globalisation and uneven development..

Upon completion of the module, students should:
• Have a critical understanding of key theoretical debates about international migration and refugee regime
• Know the main patterns of migration and refugees in Europe, how they have evolved over time, how they have affected the receiving countries, and policy responses to migration
• Understand key terms and concepts which are often applied in current debates about migration – such as Integration, assimilation, multiculturalism, Citizenship, transnationalism, and the migration-security nexus etc.;
• Be able to demonstrate this detailed and critical knowledge and understanding in written and verbal form

Required Readings:
Key Text: This book should be bought and will be used as the key text throughout the module Stephen Castles and Mark J. Miller (2009) The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World (4th edition), Palgrave: Mcamillan. In addition, all required readings are collected in a compendium/ packet can be purchased from the University Bookstore (Akademisk Boghandel). Also available in the Sociology Department Library

Tentative Lecture Outline
The module consists of the following fourteen units Unit 1: Introduction and overview
Unit 2: Globalisation and Recent Patterns of Migration in a Globalising World
Unit 3: Theories of International Immigration: Why do people move?
Unit 4: Post-war immigration flows in Europe: (Labour Migration)
Unit 5: Forced Migration- Refugees & Asylum Seekers
Unit 6: The Changing Nature of Migration Policies in the EU: Fortress Europe?
Unit 7: Close Borders? Human Trafficking and Irregular Migration
Unit 8: Theories of immigrant incorporation and assimilation
Unit 9: Multiculturalism and Citizenship
Unit 10: Migration Theories and The rise of transnational Migration perspective
Unit 11: The Politics of Resentment: Immigration and the rise of the Extreme Right/ populist parties
Unit 12: Ethnic Minorities, racialisation and [The New] Racism in Europe
Unit 13: The Securitisation of Migration in Western societies
Unit 14: Review/open discussion: How do we apply what we’ve learned?
Lærebøger: Examination requirement app. 800 pages
Requirement readings/syllabus will be distributed during the first session.
Compendium can be purchased at the Akademisk Boghandel, CSS, Øster Farimagsgade 5, building 7, at the beginning of the semester.
Kursustilmelding finder sted på selvbetjeningen på KUnet i periode 15. november - 1. december 2012 – ved kursustilmeldingen bliver man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen.

Tilmelding som meritstuderende: læs mere her

Please note: Signing up for courses and exams takes place in the period from November 15 - December 1, 2012. When you sign up for courses you are automatically signed up for exam.
International students must sign up by filling in an application form which you find here: http://sociologi.ku.dk/english/courses/
Efter tilmelding til kurset er man automatisk tilmeldt eksamen. Er der flere eksamensformer skal man selv vælge eksamensform på selvbetjeningen på KUnet.

Til dette kursus er knyttet følgende eksamensformer:

• Free written take-home essay
• Oral exam based upon a synopsis

Assesment: The exams are marked acccording to the 7-points-scala
Examiner: Internal examiner.

Free written take-home essay:
Group/individual:. The Free written take-home essay may be written individually or by a group (max. 4 persons)
Size: An Free written take-home essay of maximum 15 pages of 2400 characters each page. If written by a group, the essay may be 7½ pages of 2400 characters each page longer per additional student.
Attention: When handing in as a group, the contribution of each student must be pointed out

An oral exam based upon a topic chosen by the individual student
Group/individual: Individual
Size: A synopsis of maximum 3 pages of 2400 characters. The synopsis may be handed in as a group. However, the oral exam is on individual basis. The synopsis itself is ment as a discussion paper and does not enter into the assesment

Handing in of papers:

Deadline for handing in essay/synopsis

12.00 o’clock in the secretariat (16.1.26) - please click on the link below, to see the submission dates.

Deadline for aflevering af skriftlige opgaver/handing in papers

Kursus hjemmeside:
Bemærkninger: BA-level and MA-level (Engelsk)
BA-Undergraduates and MA- students can sign up for this course
Kurset fungerer også som liniefag for specialiseringsretningen: Politisk Sociologi
Pensum: Will be added later
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 19/3-2013

Københavns Universitet