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Introduction to cognitive science

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Hum
ECTS points: 15 ECTS
Årsværk: 15 ECTS


1. af 1
Institutter: Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Undervisere: Thor Grünbaum & Mette Kramer
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Humanistiske Fakultet Forår 2013 Hum
Indhold: The aim of the course is to familiarize the student with different paradigms and discussions in the cognitive sciences. The course aims at introducing students to the science of the mind from the perspective of philosophy and the humanities (communication studies). In the course of the module, students will be introduced to the following aspects of cognitive science:
  • The interdisciplinary nature of cognitive science and its different paradigms - from the classical information-processing model over connectionism to a biological paradigm
  • How key concepts are introduced and used by different paradigms
  • Basic aspects of the brain’s functions, architecture, and evolutionary history
  • The role of embodiment in understanding and explaining cognition How abilities like consciousness, perception, emotion, motivation, action, and mind-reading are conceptualized and explained, and how they relate to and communicate with the environment
  • How applications of cognitive science may have relevance for communication
  • Basic issues in philosophy of mind and philosophy of psychology such as differences within theories of mind (functionalism, eliminativism, etc.), the status of common sense psychology and the nature-nurture debate.

The course consists of a series of twelve (12x2) lectures and six (6x2) practice lessons.
Litteratur: The readings will be a mix of classical texts in cognitive science and philosophy of psychology (e.g. Turing, Marr, Dennett) as well as more recent texts (e.g. Gollwitzer, Gopnik, Tomasello).
Tilmelding: Please be advised that the programme has a set capacity and is, at the outset, reserved for degree students. For further questions contact: Programme secretary Jens Borglind: jborg@hum.ku.dk
Kursus hjemmeside:
Sidst redigeret: 2/7-2012

Københavns Universitet