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Pharmacology and Toxicology

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus Kurset udbydes i blok 4


Udgave: Efterår 2012 Sund
ECTS points: 7.5 (exam)
Blokstruktur: 4. blok


2nd semester
Studieordning: 2011 curriculum
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Courseleader: Claus Løland, email: cllo@sund.ku.dk
Undervisnings- form: Lectures, laboratory exercises and theoretical exercises
Formål: To provide students with an understanding of molecular pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics with detailed knowledge of the effects and side effects of medicines. To help students attain knowledge within each therapeutic group and its effect. To help students attain knowledge of toxicology and poisoning caused by medication and how to avoid it, and to provide them with the ability to assess the effectiveness and potential toxicity of new products.
Indhold: Also, please see the detailed course and exam descriptions plus the conditions of registration in the current Curriculum
Eksamensform: four-hour written examination
Grading: the seven-point scale
Examiners: External
Kursus hjemmeside:
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 14/3-2012

Københavns Universitet