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Health and Disease in Low- and Middle Income Communities

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus


Udgave: Efterår 2012 Sund
ECTS points: 20 ECTS
Pris: DKK 38,000


Varighed: Full time lectures and exercises, including a few days of individual or group study. The course includes a five week field trip to Vellore, India (11 November - 15 December 2011).
Institutter: Copenhagen School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen.
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Associate Professor Dan Wolf Meyrowitsch (D.Meyrowitsch@pubhealth.ku.dk)
Undervisnings- periode: 29 August - 15 December 2012
Formål: The overall objective of the course is through interdisciplinary teaching and problem-oriented learning to enable participants to work professionally for health development in low- and middle income communities. The specific teaching objectives are: To provide the participants with an introduction to international health perspectives which include theoretical and methodological aspects of health research and disease control measures with a focus on low- and middle-income communities; To provide the participants with a global insight into aspects of diseases of major public health relevance.
Indhold: The course includes an introduction to international health, global disease burdens, theory and methods applied in health research and disease control, and diseases of major public health relevance (e.g. HIV/Aids, Tuberculosis, tropical infectious diseases, and non-communicable diseases). The main themes of the module include quantitative and qualitative research methodology, sexual and reproductive health, child health, nutrition, water and sanitation, vector-borne diseases, mental health, disease prevention and control including aspects of chemotherapy and resistance.
Tilmelding: Application deadline for this course is 1 April 2011
Formelle krav: The applicants must live up to the Master of International Health admission criteria.
Eksamensform: Grading according to the Danish 7-scale. One individual 48-hour essay-based examination and one individual oral examination.
Kursus hjemmeside:
Kursus hjemmeside: www.mih.ku.dk
Bemærkninger: This is a mandatory core course in the Master of International Health programme. TropEd accreditation: Accredited in 2005. This accreditation is valid until 2010. Class size: The number of participants is limited to 40. The course may be cancelled if there are less than 12 participants. Scholarships: We currently do not offer any scholarships, but on our site about funding possibilities we have collected some information that might be useful.
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 14/3-2012

Københavns Universitet