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Profil i Europastudier

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus


Udgave: Efterår 2012 Hum
Skema- oplysninger: KA-kurser
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Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Humanistiske Fakultet Efterår 2012 Hum
Indhold: Engerom and The Faculty of Theology: History of European Cultures and Identities oversigtskursus - Udbydes på Engerom
Few continents have a cultural heritage as complex as Europe. Due to the great number of nations and languages, distributed within the limits of a relatively small territory, Europe has been a field of constant conflicts and reciprocal emulations, which leaves us with questions of who we really are as Europeans. The general idea of this course is to offer a ‘longue durée’ perspective with regard to some of the most important dualities or fault lines that have characterised European cultures and identities for the last five or six centuries. This perspective enables us a deeper and more refined understanding of what has shaped our European way of thinking about ourselves and how to act in the world since the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance-period and until today. The course, based on a selected ‘canon’ of classic texts, will concentrate on the following themes: 1) State-apparatus versus individual freedom focusing on the formation of the modern state and the status of the person being defined on one hand by ever changing power structures and on the other hand by human rights. 2) Reason versus faith focusing on the contrast between religious and secular values, i.e. between two different concepts of truth respectively based on revelation and on scientific procedures. 3) Europe versus the Other, actualized with the great discoveries of the world followed by the imperialistic adventures and nowadays flows of migration. Coordinator: Gert Sørensen and Anna Vind Language: Danish
  • Emnekursus: History of European integration and contemporary European politics - Udbydes på Engerom
    This course focuses on European Politics – caught between history and future challenges. The future of the European Continent is at stake in these years. Will the Euro collapse and what would be the consequences of such a collapse? Is Hungary developing into an authoritarian state and is Europe in general on the verge of a nationalist backlash due to the economic crisis? Have the European Union failed due to centralization and disrespect of national traditions? These are some of the most pertinent questions, which appear in European public debate today. This course will offer a tutorial in European politics from a historical perspective thereby providing students with the factual and analytical insights needed to understand the nature of European politics today and the challenges confronting Europe. The course will have two main parts. Firstly, an introduction to the history of European integration from the foundations of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 to the faltering of the Euro in 2011 will be offered. Secondly, a nuanced factual and analytical understanding of contemporary European politics, including the functioning of European cooperative institutions will complement the historical section. Coordinator: ? Language: English
  • Emnekursus:European Film, Media and Public Sphere - Udbydes på MEF
    The public sphere has emerged as a key concept in current debates on the transformation of the media, the state and democracy in contemporary Europe. This course is designed to conceptualize the mediating infrastructure and processes that have shaped modern Europe, generated democratic legitimacy and grounded collective identity. At the same time, the political, cultural and normative presuppositions of public sphere theory need to be critically scrutinized. In particularly mass media with its traditional print and broadcasting outlets engage a nationally demarcated public and operate on the basis of a shared language and institutional arena of public communication. Against this background, the course will discuss how and to what extent transnationalization of film, media and the public sphere affects structures and processes of political and socio-cultural re-configuration. The seminar schedule provides for a critical reading of the main texts of traditional public sphere theorizing and will approach the ‘rethinking of the public sphere’ in terms of community, media, political authority and normative requirements for democracy in contemporary Europe. Coordinator: Hans-Jörg Trenz Language: English
  • Kursus hjemmeside:
    Sidst redigeret: 30/5-2012

    Københavns Universitet