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Laboratory Animal Science (SUND)

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus Kurset giver 7,5 ETCS point


Udgave: Efterår 2012 NAT
Point: 7,5


1. år, blok 2 (januar) Valgfag
Varighed: 3 uger (uge 2-4 2013)
Omfang: 7,5 ECTS
Institutter: Department of Experimental Medicine, SUND.
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Klas Abelson, Phone: +45 35 32 62 72/ 30 50 78 13, e-mail: klasab@sund.ku.dk
Undervisnings- periode: Uge 2-4
Undervisnings- form: The course is arranged as lectures (50%) and practical exercises (50%). Group work outside scheduled hours is also included.
Formål: To give the student theoretical and practical knowledge on the use of laboratory animals and to give the students some practical experience in handling, non-surgical and surgical procedures. The course is quality accredited by the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA) and follows the FELASA category C curriculum. Thereby, the course fulfils the new and present Danish requirements for obtaining a personal license to perform animal experiments.
Indhold: Theoretical as well as practical education in the maintenance and use of labora¬tory animals. Theoretical sessions are legislation and administration, laboratory animal housing and husbandry, ethics, anaesthesia and analgesia, health and hygiene, genetics and breeding, nutrition, environmental impact, experimental surgery, alternatives to animal experimentation, gnotobiology, laboratory animal biology, animal models and planning of animal experiments. Practical exercises comprise legislation, application for license, ethics, handling, non-surgical and surgical procedures in laboratory rats and mice, laboratory animal behaviour, anaesthesia and analgesia.
Lærebøger: Hau J, Schapiro S.2010. Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science vol 1: Essential principles and practices, 3rd edition. CRC Press. The textbook is supplemented with a printed manual for practical exercises.
Eksamensform: Attendance will be checked. At least 80% attendance is required before exam. Independent groupwork and a 2 hours written exam will be held in week 4. The course is evaluated with internal censorship and the grades pass/not-passed are awarded. At least 60% correct answers are necessary to pass the course.
Examination rules for the Faculty of Health Sciences
In order to be eligible for re-examination at the Faculty’s courses, you must have made an attempt at the ordinary exam. An attempt is defined as a personal appearance, where you hand in an empty exam paper/assignment, or by presenting a signed doctor’s certificate no later than 3 days after the exam. That means that it is not possible to sign up for a re-examination if you have not made an attempt at the ordinary exam.
Kursus hjemmeside:
Undervisnings- sprog: Engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 23/4-2012

Københavns Universitet