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Art of Sound in Cinema: course in cinematic sound studies

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus


Udgave: Efterår 2012 Hum
ECTS points: 15 ECTS
Årsværk: 15 ECTS


1. semester
Institutter: Afd. for Film- og medievidenskab. Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Undervisere: Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Humanistiske Fakultet Efterår 2012 Hum
Indhold: In this course the students will learn to critically engage with cinema sound by way of film soundtrack analysis. The course will address questions as well as aesthetic choices in the communication and cognition of sound in cinema, video and digital media in a basic level.
The classroom discussion and related theories in soundtrack analysis will deal with narrative discourses that arise from the different strategies of converging sound and moving image to make meaning. A number of relevant film soundtracks will be discussed and analyzed. The course includes 10 weeks (2 hours per week) of obligatory classroom introduction and courseware in cinematic sound studies; the students will be expected to actively take part in the discussion by way of presentations.
Litteratur: 1. Altman, Rick (Ed). 1992. Sound Theory Sound Practice. New York: Routledge.
2. Beck, Jay. 2008. Lowering the boom: critical studies in film sound. University of Illinois Press.
3. Chion, Michel. 2009. Film, a Sound Art. Columbia University Press.
Eksamensform: Recommended: Subjectelement 47780415-01 Film history and analysis
Free oral test with written assignment
7-point scale
External examiner or
Subjectelement code 47790313-01 Media, aesthetics and genres
Free written takehome assignment
The 7-point scale
External examiner appointed by the University
Kursus hjemmeside:
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 15/5-2012

Københavns Universitet