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EU Trade with the Developing Countries

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus Kurset udbydes i skemagruppe B1


Udgave: Jura Kandidatuddannelsen 2012/2013
ECTS points: 10 ECTS = 1/6 årsværk
Punkter: 10 ECTS
Skemagruppe: B1


Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Fagansvarlig:Professor, Morten Broberg
Andre undervisere: Professor, Morten Broberg
Undervisnings- periode: Every monday 10-13
1. Day: Monday 4 february 2013
Formål: In Denmark the GDP per capita is approx. 34.700 €, in the EU the figure is approx. 19,000 €, whereas the average figure in the developing world (LDCs) is approx. 1200 €. Many of these developing countries have close ties to the EU, not least due to the fact that many of them are former colonies. When it comes to trade, about 25% of all external trade of the developing countries is with the EU. These countries are thus highly dependent on the EU as a trading partner. In contrast, only about 1.3% of the EU’s external trade is with the developing countries, meaning that the EU is not equally dependent on these countries. This course will examine the different legal aspects of the EU’s trade relations with the developing countries. In doing so, the following will be covered:
• Background
• The institutional framework
• EU Trade and International Law
• Customs/Generalised System of Preferences (GSP)
• Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)
• Food safety – SPS
• Standards
• Product and process measures (PPMs)
Indhold: The course will start by a brief introduction to the regulation of EU trade with the developing countries followed by an overview of the historic development. Following this, a presentation of the most important institutions, procedures and relevant sources of law will be given. Thereupon the course will turn to consider the relationship between EU law and international law in the field of trade with the developing countries.
The course will also cover the EU’s cooperation with the ACP countries (i.e. former European colonies, primarily in Africa), in particular with regard to so-called Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and groups of developing countries giving mutual preferential trade access and with regard to what is referred to as ‘human rights conditionality’. Moreover, the course will examine the EU’s regulation of food safety and the consequences this regulation has in the developing countries. Lastly, the importance of standards and Process and Production Measures (PPMs - i.e. regulation of the production process rather than of the final product) will be considered. Throughout the course the different topics will be illustrated by EU case law.
Students are expected to take an active part during classes. It is planned that the course will contain a number of exercises and the teaching schedule may have to be adapted so as to accommodate this.
Kompetence- beskrivelse: In order to obtain the grade 12 the student must – to the extent it is relevant for the exam – be able to:
- Present and explain the theoretical and practical problems of the course and their interaction.
- Identify both the basic and the complicated legal problems that present themselves in the course topics.
- Analyse complex problems that present themselves within the course and do so based on relevant and professional reasoned approaches.
- Argue the pros and cons of professionally reasoned solutions, make a critical weighting of the relevant arguments and make a reasoned choice in relation to theoretical and practical solutions.
- Put into perspective the specific problems of the course in a way that shows that she/he has a professional overview of and insight into the substantive issues of the course.
- Communicate and formulate her/his knowledge and arguments professionally and linguistically correct and in a structured and coherent way.
Faglige forudsætninger: Students without prior knowledge in the field of law must work to attain this as quickly and early as possible. This is particularly relevant with regard to EU law.
Eksamensform: Oral exam without preparation, 20 minutes
Eksamen: 10. - 14. June 2013 (preliminary dates)
Kursus hjemmeside:
Pensum: A compilation of materials Required readings cover approximately 500 pages.
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 10/5-2012

Københavns Universitet