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EU-Environmental Law

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus Kurset udbydes i skemagruppe C2


Udgave: Jura Kandidatuddannelsen 2012/2013
ECTS points: 10 ECTS
Punkter: 10 ECTS = 1/6 årsværk
Skemagruppe: C1


Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Fagansvarlig: Professor Peter Pagh
Andre undervisere: Professor Peter Pagh
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Jurdiske Fakultet (kandidat) Jura Kandidatuddannelsen 2012/2013
Undervisnings- periode: Every Monday 17-19 and every wednesday 17-19
1. Day: Monday 3 september 2012
Formål: The importance and influence of EU-environmental Law has increased substantially during the last two decades. Sustainable development and environmental protection are parts of the overall Community policy. More than 300 pieces of legislation on environment have been adopted, and more than 300 cases have been reported from the European Court of Justice. The objective of this course is to offer an introduction and to acquaint students with this comprehensive field of law.
Indhold: The first part of the course will focus on four subjects: The legal implications of environmental principles, the relation between free trade and environmental protection, the division of competences and citizens right. The second part of the course will concentrate on selected subjects including environmental impact assessment, access to justice, air- and water pollution, nature conservation, waste legislation and community legislation on chemicals.
Kompetence- beskrivelse: The objective of the course is to enable the students to:
- Present and explain the theoretical and practical problems of EU Environmental Law
- Identify complicated legal problems
- Analyse complex problems related to EU Environmental Law based on various relevant and professional reasoned approaches
- Argue in favour of professionally reasoned solutions, make a critical weighing of the relevant arguments and make a reasoned choice in relation to theoretical and practical solutions
- Put into perspective the specific problems of EU Environmental Law in a way that demonstrates a professional overview and insight in the part of EU Environmental Law covered by the course
- Communicate and formulate knowledge and arguments professionally and linguistically correct and in a structured and coherent way.
Faglige forudsætninger: Students must have reasonable knowledge of English to discuss and write, but it need not to be perfect.
Eksamensform: Oral exam without preparation, 20 minutes
Eksamen: 10. - 14. December 2012 (preliminary dates)
Kursus hjemmeside:
  • Jan Jans: European Environmental Law, third edition 2008 (approx. 500 pages).

    Supplementary readings:
  • A collection of directives, regulations and court cases.
  • Sidst redigeret: 30/3-2012

    Københavns Universitet