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Gender and legal culture

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus


Udgave: Jura Kandidatuddannelsen 2011/2012
ECTS points: 10 ECTS
Punkter: 10 ECTS


Autumn 2011
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Fagansvarlig: Hanne Petersen
Andre undervisere: Prof. Hanne Petersen
Undervisnings- periode: Thursday 13-16
1. day: Thursday 8.9.2011
Formål: The aim of this course is to study the interrelationship between gender and legal culture. Issues of gender underline the importance of status in the contemporary world. This status is reflected in community norms and state and international law, as well as in traditions and religion. Traditional and religious normative cultures often stress the importance of relations between gender and sexuality. Combining the perspectives of gender and legal cultures underlines the importance of normative communities and contexts different from the state – such as intimate relations, affective and spiritual communities or economic relations such as the (often highly gender segregated) work place and the market. This interrelationship also indicates the importance of a broader understanding of legal knowledge than a state oriented legal positivism.
The course seeks to increase the awareness of intersections between gender and culture in contemporary legal practices, and to research how both meet and cooperate, compete and change in these processes. We will seek to improve the understanding of normative forces beyond state law and of their relevance and impact on both individuals and groups and the different and overlapping contexts they operate within. Gender is one of the most important status relations in any culture and society, and modern values of equality and freedom has not put an end to this importance. In the Nordic countries “Women’s Law” has emerged as a field of study over the last 3 decades – to some extent due to the Nordic welfare state and legal culture. Globally we have during the last decade witnessed a growing interest for studies in masculinity, which must also be expected to have consequences for future understandings of law and legal culture.
Indhold: The course will be based upon a mixture of theoretical and practical texts related to topics such as: Gender (changing femininities and masculinities), sexuality and law (the gendered family and work place, gendered crimes and the gendered body, gender, law, culture and religion; gender and trans-national legal culture including gender and post-colonialism; globalisation, international law and gender.
Kompetence- beskrivelse: The objective of the course is to enable the students to:

- Understand and explain the legal and normative significance of the concept of gender and of gendered status
- Understand and explain the significance and importance of the concept of legal culture in its relation to gender
- Discuss the importance, impact and changing understandings of these concepts and their relations in a contemporary (both local and regional especially European) context
- Identify situations and relations where gender and gendered status influences legal cultures and formal state law
- Analyze complex problems related to the interrelationship between gendered status and legal cultures
- Communicate and formulate arguments professionally and linguistically correct in a way that is sufficiently structured and suitably coherent to be convincing
Faglige forudsætninger: Proficiency in English
Eksamensform: Written paper
Eksamen: 28.nov- 2.dec. 2011 (preliminary dates)
Kursus hjemmeside:
Pensum: Reader produced for this course by Hanne Petersen (about 500 pages)
Sidst redigeret: 17/5-2011

Københavns Universitet