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International Transport Law

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Jura Kandidatuddannelsen 2011/2012
ECTS points: 10 ECTS
Punkter: 10 ECTS = 1/6 årsværk


Spring 2012
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Fagansvarlig: Vibe Ulfbeck
Andre undervisere: Eksterne lektorer, advokat Anders Wahl and advokat Mads Poulsen

Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Jurdiske Fakultet (kandidat) Jura Kandidatuddannelsen 2011/2012
Undervisnings- periode: Monday, 17-20
1. Day: Monday, 30.1.2012
Formål: The course is intended for both Danish and non-Danish students.

The objective of the course is to provide the students with a thorough understanding of rules in relation to carriage of goods by sea and road (CMR).

Transport law in general is largely based on international conventions, which to a varying degree have been ratified and incorporated into the national legal systems of the signatory countries. Many contract forms used are standard documents.

The objective of the course is not to pin-point differences between one country and the other, but rather to assist the students in getting an overall view of international transport law, particularly in relation to carriage of goods by the different modes of transport mentioned above. As transport law - and particularly the rules in relation to carriage of goods - would not exist save for the existence of the international sale of goods, the course will also aim at introducing the students to basic rules of international sale of goods and the documents related thereto (i.a. Letters of Credit).

It is the general aim of the course to be a practical, however, thorough introduction to international transport law, which the students at a later stage can use as a platform for further in-depth studies of the rules relating to the individual forms of transport applicable in their home countries.
It is the general aim of the course to be a practical, however, thorough introduction to international transport law, which the students at a later stage can use as a platform for further in-depth studies of the rules relating to the individual forms of transport applicable in their home countries.

Indhold: The course is organised as follows (subject to alterations as may be agreed between the students and the lecturers): • Various documents used in international sale of goods and their function.
• Introduction to the relevant international conventions on carriage of goods including i.a. the CMR-Convention, the Hague/Visby Rules.
• Rules relating to the carriers’ liability for damage, loss and delay to cargo. Rules relating to limitation of the carriers’ liability and time-bars.
• Introduction to chartering of ships (voyage-, time- and bareboat-chartering).
• Various Types of insurance.

Kompetence- beskrivelse: International Transport Law

The objective of the course is to enable the students to:

- Present the fundamental rules on transport law and international sales and demonstrate an understanding of the background of the rules.
- Identify relevant transport law problems and legal arguments on the basis of complex material
- Place specific problems in the transport law frame work in a way that demonstrates an understanding of the rules.
- Analyse complex problems within transport law, argue in favour of various solutions, suggest different solutions and make a critical assessment of the different legal arguments
- Communicate and formulate her/his knowledge and arguments professionally and linguistically correct and in a structured and coherent way

Eksamensform: Written 4 hours examination (question paper)
Eksamen: 21.-25. May 2012 (preliminary date)
Kursus hjemmeside:
  • Falkanger, Bull & Brautaset: Scandinavian Maritime Law, 2 edt. 2004.
  • Hill & Messent: CMR: Contracts for the international carriage of goods by road, 3 edt., 2000.
  • A compilation of conventions and other material relevant to the course. (will be distributed in class)

  • Required readings cover app. 450 pages.
    There is no required reading for the first lecture.

    Sidst redigeret: 3/12-2010

    Københavns Universitet