The Democratic Challenges of the EU and the Eurozone Crisis by Julie Hassing Nielsen

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus


Udgave: Forår 2013 Samf
ECTS points: 10 ECTS
Punkter: 10 ECTS


Spring 2013
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Julie Hassing Nielsen
(Coordinator for courses in English: Anders Berg-Sørensen)

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Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 Samf
Formål: The course introduces the students to the contemporary democratic challenges of the EU with particular focus on the economic institutions building and governance. Furthermore, it enables students to analyse and discuss the current democratic challenges from the outset of the more general theoretical democratic deficit debate of the EU.

Indhold: The recent years have witnessed a range of proposals and initiatives to contain the Eurozone crisis as well as to bolster the EU against market speculation, while enhancing the coherency and stability of the EU as a whole. However, many of these initiatives have been severely critizised for being un-democratic and neglect the ideal about legitimate rule through democratic representation. This course explores the past decades’ democratic evolution of the EU, and the debates that followed it. Particular focus is paid on the most recent integration steps, economic treaties and acts as replies to the economic crisis. Drawing on the classical EU democratic deficit literature as well as the more recent democratic controversies, the course introduces the students to the discussions about the EU democratic deficit, focusing predominantly on the steps taken to answer the economic crisis.

The course divides into two sections. Emphasis is paid on the latter part.

1. In the first part of the course, students read the profound democratic deficit literature of the EU, sketching the main problems with EU democracy.

2. In the second part, students are introduced to the democratic deficit debate with particular focus on the Euro crisis and the rapid contemporary evolution of EU institution building to contain the crisis. As this crisis is ongoing, reading here include working papers from EU think tanks etc.

Lærebøger: Alesina, A. & F. Giavazzi (eds) (2010) Europe and the Euro (University of Chicago Press: Chicago).

Armingeon, K. & L. Baccaro (2011) “The Sorrows of Young Euro: Policy Responses to the Souvereign Debt Crisis”. Unpublished manuscript.

Belke, A. H. (2010) ”The Euro Area Crisis Management Framework – Consequences and Institutional Follow-Ups”. DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1076.

Cohen, J. (2007) “Deliberative Democracy” in Shawn W. Rosenberg (ed.) Deliberation, Participation and Democracy. Can the people Govern? (Palgrave Macmillan: New York).

Culpepper, P. & A. Fung (2007) ”Do All Bridges Collapse? Possibilities for Democracy in the European Union” in Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 730-739.

De Grauwe, P. (2011) “The Governance of a Fragile Eurozone”. Unpublished Manuscript: University of Leuven.

Dryzek, J. S. (2001) “Legitimacy and Economy in Deliberative Democracy” in Political Theory, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 651-669.

Eriksen, E.O. & Fossum, J.E. (2002) ”Democracy through strong Publics in the European Union” in Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 401-424.

Eriksen, E. O & Fossum, J.E. (eds.) (2012) Rethinking Democracy and the European Union: Routledge studies on democratizing Europe 7 (Routledge: Oslo).

Eriksen, E. O. & J. E. Fossum (2012) ”Representation through Deliberation – The European Case”. RECON online working paper 2011/14.

Føllesdal, A. & S. Hix (2006) “Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and Moravcsik” in Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 44, No.3, pp. 533-562.

Føllesdal, A. (2006) “Survey Article: The Legitimacy Deficits of the European Union” in The Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 441-468.

Georgious, C. (2010) “The Euro Crisis and the Future of European Integration”, International Socialism, Vol. 128.

Hix, S. & Bartoloni, S. (2006) Politics: The Right or the Wrong Sort of Medicine for the EU? Notre Europe Working paper.

Hix, S. (2008) What's Wrong in the European Union & How to Fix It? (Polity Press: London).

Hooghe, L. & Marks, G. (2007) “Sources of Euroscepticism” in Acta Politica, Vol. 42, pp. 119-127.

Koch-Kohler, B. & B. Rittberger (eds.) (2007) Debating the democratic deficit of the European Union (Rowman & littlefield Publishers, Maryland).

Lord, C. & Beetham C. (2001) ”Legitimizing the EU: Is there a "post-parliamentary basis for its legitimation"? in Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol, 39, No. 3, pp. 443-462.

Majone, G. (2005) Dilemmas of European Integration. The Ambiguities and Pitfalls of Integration by Stealth (Oxford University Press: New York).

Manin, B. (1997) The Principles of Representative Government (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

Moravcsik, A. (2002) ”In Defense of the ”Democratic Deficit”: Reassessing the Legitimacy of the European Union” in Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 603-634.

Moravcsik, A. (2006) ”What Can We Learn from the Collapse of the European Constitutional Project?” in Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Vol. 47, pp. 219-241.

Nielsen, J. H. (2012) “Direct Democracy and it’s Critics: Support for Direct Democracy and Stealth Democracy in the EU amongst Danes”. In progress. Working paper.

Olsen, J. P. (2010) Governing through institution building, institutional theory and recent European experiments in democratic organization (Oxford university Press: Oslo).

Scharpf, F. W. (2009) “Legitimacy in the Multilevel European Polity”. MPifG WorkingPaper 09/1.

Scharpf, F. (2011) “Monetary Union, Fiscal Crisis and the Preemption of Democracy”, Max-Planck-Institute Cologne Working Paper.

Faglige forudsætninger: Good knowledge about the EU institutions (BA. in Political Science or equivalent).

Eksamensform: An oral exam based on a synopsis written by the student.

Kursus hjemmeside:
Undervisnings- sprog: Kun engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 5/11-2012

Københavns Universitet