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Field and methods course - USA, Milwaukee

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus Kurset udbydes i blok 3 og 4 Kurset giver 15 ETCS point


Udgave: Forår 2013 NAT
Point: 15,0
Blokstruktur: 3. blok, 4. blok
Fagområde: geog
Studieordning: 2012 - studieordningen
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Parama Roy pr@geo.ku.dk, tel: 35322500 and Lasse Møller Jensen lmj@geo.ku.dk, tel 35322566
Undervisnings- form: The course comprises three parts: 1) teaching of theory and methodology, (block 3); 2) 10 days fieldwork and 3) processing of data and writing of report (block 4).
Indhold: The fieldwork part of the course will be held in the city of Milwaukee in U.S. This course will focus on using qualitative and quantitative research methods including GIS and Remote Sensing to examine contemporary urban issues in one of U.S.’s rust-belt cities in the post-globalization era. While 1970’s deindustrialization period hit Milwaukee badly, the city is turning around with a renewed image of a green-belt city, thanks to the combined efforts of the local government, business entrepreneurs and perhaps most importantly the civil society. From rapid development of housing, especially for the middle and higher-income population, partnership-based renewal of industrial corridors in brownfield areas, community-based planning for future economic development and environmental improvement of neighborhoods, to intentional investment in creation of green jobs and the appropriate labor force for it - a lot of interesting social, economic, political and environmental shifts are going on in the city. These changes are of course not without contentions. The purpose of this course would be to explore this commendable yet contentious effort of Milwaukee towards becoming a green-belt city. Field-based research will be interspersed with excursions to relevant sites for better understanding the pulse of the city of Milwaukee.
Kompetence- beskrivelse: The fundamental goal of the course is to enable the student to independently organize and carry out larger-scale geographic fieldwork and to be able to analyze, evaluate, document and communicate the results of a scientific study. The course is designed as preparation for a Master’s thesis and therefore takes place during Master’s courses and prior to carrying out a Master’s thesis. In this course students will gain hands-on experience in a varied range of qualitative and quantitative methods that are considered to have a broad application in both research- and industry-related fields.
Målbeskrivelse: The academic goals of the course are that the student:
• Can identify, propose and prepare suggestions for solving more complex scientific problems in relation to theoretical, methodological and empirical observations with a background in high-level geographical knowledge.
• Can critically evaluate a choice of methods as well as propose procedures aimed at investigating and assessing the accuracy and possible sources of error of a method.
• Can evaluate the suitability of a specific method for investigating a scientific problem, e.g. through use of statistical analysis of data.
• Can compile results from several, and preferentially different, methods and apply these in to specific discussion and evaluation of their own results.
• Can use scientifically-correct language, present scientific arguments and justifications, participate in scientific discussions as well as communication science at various levels.
• Can integrate, evaluate, discuss and put into perspective, theoretical, methodological and empirical choices including exhibiting a reflective and critical sense for these choices together with their scientific possibilities and limitations in relationship to a specific scientific problem.
Tilmelding: Via KUnet mellem den 15. november og 1. december.
Eksamensform: Written report and oral exam, internal examiner, grading accoording to the 7-point grading scale. The exam takes 20 min including grading. Make-up exam as ordinary exam.
Eksamen: Aflevering af skriftlig opgave d. 11. juni og mundtlig prøve d. 18-19. juni 2013.
Reeksamen: Aflevering af skriftlig opgave d. 19. august og mundtlig prøve d. 22. august 2013.
Kursus hjemmeside:
Kursus hjemmeside: Please see Absalon
Bemærkninger: The fieldwork will take place 15-24th April 2013
There is room for 16 students on the course. If there are more students applying for the course, places will be prioritized based on the following criteria.
1) Students enrolled in the M.Sc. programme in Geography & geoinformatics who have followed the competence course ‘Production and regulation of landscapes’
2) Students enrolled in the M.Sc. programme in Geography & geoinformatics with a signed Master’s thesis contract. Those applicants with the most passed ECTS points at the time of application will be prioritized highest.
3) Other students enrolled in the M.Sc. programme in Geography & geoinformatics.
4) Students enrolled in the B.Sc. programmes in Geography & geoinformatics will be considered if there are open places; provided a motivated application and attached academic record can establish that they will have completed their Bachelors programme by the start of the course. Those applicants with the most passed ECTS points at the time of application will be prioritized highest.
5) Other students.
The students shall pay for their own travel to and from Milwaukee, as well as 125 kr per day for food and lodging.
Pensum: Please note that the official reading list for the current study year 2012-2013 will be updated and uploaded in Absalon by the 4th week after the start of the block.
Undervisnings- sprog: Engelsk
Sidst redigeret: 19/12-2012

Københavns Universitet