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Advanced Protein Science 1 - Protein Interactions and Sequences

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus Kurset udbydes i blok 3 Kurset udbydes i skemagruppe A Kurset giver 7,5 ETCS point


Udgave: Forår 2013 NAT
ECTS points: 7.5
Point: 7,5
Point: 7,5
Blokstruktur: 3. blok
Skemagruppe: A
Institutter: Department of Biology
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Birthe Kragelund, bbk@bio.ku.dk, 3532 2081
Skema- oplysninger: Thursdays from 9-12 and 13-16. Laboratory courses are by individual appointments.
Undervisnings- periode: Weeks 6-13
Undervisnings- form: Lectures, student presentations, group discussions and laboratory and computer exercises, written reports for evaluation.
Formål: To use the knowledge of the principles of the presented biophysical in evaluations of their application to protein science research projects.
Indhold: The course is an introduction to biophysical techniques used in protein science to measure structural and biophysical properties of proteins. It includes the biophysical methods of optical spectroscopy (circular dichroism, fluorescence, absorbance), mass spectrometry, surface plasmon resonance, isothermal and differential scanning calorimetry, NMR spectroscopy, and small angle x-ray scattering.
The focus is on the theoretical background of the methods, the instrumentation, and on the application of these methods in protein science. The course is a mixture of lectures and group discussions of fundamental topics in each of the methodologies, and for most of these hands on introduction to both the experimental and analytical tools of these methods.
Målbeskrivelse: In order to obtain the grade 12 the student should convincingly and accurately be able to design, execute, critically evaluate, and present experiments in advanced protein biophysics regarding optical spectroscopy (circular dichroism, fluorescence, absorbance), mass spectrometry, surface plasmon resonance, isothermal and differential scanning calorimetry, NMR spectroscopy, and small angle x-ray scattering .
Lærebøger: The course material will be a collection of original papers, extracts from textbooks and notes and will be provided by the individual teachers.
Tilmelding: Registration via KUnet 15 November - 1 December
Formelle krav: Bachelor degree either in biochemistry, nanotechnology, chemistry, or molecular biomedicine. Other applicants may be admitted on the basis of an evaluation of their individual qualifications.
Basic knowledge of protein science is a requirement.
Eksamensform: In order to pass the course the students must have performed the following at a satisfactory level:
  • Performed a supervised practical project including designing and executing an experiment, using one of the selected methods of the course.
  • Written one report, for one of the seven methods. The report should cover: 1) description and critical evaluation of the method; 2) explanation of typical protocols and strategies used; 3) data evaluation; 4) presentation of the results including graphs, analyses, and calculated results; 5) a critical analysis of the results; 6) estimation of experimental errors and an explanation of these.
    20 minutes oral examination based on one of the seven topics of the course evaluated according to the 7-point grading scale with internal censorship.
    Re-examination same as ordinary examination.
  • Eksamen: Mundtlig prøve d. 11. april 2013.
    Reeksamen: Mundtlig prøve d. 27. juni 2013.
    Kursus hjemmeside:
    Undervisnings- sprog: Engelsk
    Sidst redigeret: 26/10-2012

    Københavns Universitet