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Microbial Ecology

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus Kurset udbydes i blok 3 Kurset udbydes i skemagruppe B Kurset giver 7,5 ETCS point


Udgave: Forår 2013 NAT
ECTS points: 7,5
Point: 7,5
Blokstruktur: 3. blok
Skemagruppe: B
Institutter: Department of Biology
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Rasmus Kjøller, Section for Terrestrial Ecology, phone 5182 7027, email: rasmusk@bio.ku.dk
Andre undervisere: Søren Rosendahl, Riikka Rinnan, Flemming Ekelund, Anders Priemé.
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 NAT
Undervisnings- form: Lectures, laboratory and computer practicals, group discussions, student presentations and project work
Formål: To provide an understanding of the ecology of microorganism (bacteria, fungi and protozoa) including the interaction between these groups and other groups of organisms. To develop practical skills for isolating, pure culturing of microorganism. To develop practical skills for molecular identification and determination of microbial biomass. To obtain knowledge of current metagenomic analyses tools. To obtain knowledge of applied aspects of microbial ecology. To set up, conduct, harvest, analyze and discuss a microbial ecology project.
Indhold: Microbial diversity: Bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Microbial diversity versus culturability. Methods for identification of microorganisms from environmental samples incl. traditional, DNA-based, fatty acids and stable isotope probing (SIP) methods. Microbial biomass and quantitative analyses. Fumigation, q-PCR, PFLAs, Microscopy and other methods. Interactions between microorganisms e.g. microbe-microbe interactions, plant-microbe interactions, animal-microbe interactions etc.
Biological control and risk assessment of microorganisms. Application of microbial ecology to control harmful microorganisms, weeds and pests.
Målbeskrivelse: By the end of the course students are expected to:
  • describe microbial diversity of microbial communities.
  • explain how microorganisms interact with each other and with other organisms in beneficial and harmful ways
  • critically evaluate different methods for detection, and determination of microbial biomass.
  • identify the major microbial potentials and risks to human society
  • use their acquired knowledge of microbial diversity and ecology in designing identification, detection, and species recognition strategies
  • discuss, put into perspective, and criticize original research papers in microbial ecology.
  • work experimentally with microorganisms including formulation of hypotheses, planning and performing experiments, analysis and statistical testing of the data and reporting of the results.
  • Lærebøger: To be announced later.
    Tilmelding: Registration at KUnet 15 November - 1 December.
    Faglige forudsætninger: Introductory courses (bachelor level) in microbiology, ecology and molecular biology is expected.
    Eksamensform: The students will carry out a microbial ecological project in groups and hand-in a joint paper presenting the project. This paper is presented individually at an oral examination and discussed. Themes from the general course curriculum may be included in the discussion if relevant. The exam is graded following the 7 scale with internal censorship. Papers will need to be handed in one week before the exam. Re-examination: Same as ordinary exam. Handing-in of paper must be arranged with the teacher.
    Eksamen: Aflevering af opgave d. 5. april 2013 og mundtlig prøve d. 12. april 2013.
    Reeksamen: Genaflevering af opgave efter afale med underviser og mundtlig prøve d. 28. juni 2013.
    Kursus hjemmeside:
    Bemærkninger: The course is part of the qualification profiles 'Ecosystem Functioning and Management' and 'Microbiology'. For all courses of the qualification profiles, see Course Portal for Department of Biology.
    Undervisnings- sprog: Engelsk
    Sidst redigeret: 26/10-2012

    Københavns Universitet