Proteiners struktur og funktion

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus Kurset udbydes i blok 4 Kurset udbydes i skemagruppe B Kurset giver 7,5 ETCS point


Udgave: Forår 2013 NAT
Point: 7,5
Blokstruktur: 4. blok
Skemagruppe: B
Fagområde: kem
Varighed: 7 weeks
Institutter: Department of Chemistry
Studieordning: 2007
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Leila Lo Leggio, Telefon: +45 3532 0295, e-mail:
Andre undervisere: Sine Larsen, C308 (HCØ), telephone: 353-20282, email:
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 NAT
Undervisnings- form: The main form of the course will be a study group with compulsory attendance, with one-two students introducing the articles each time followed by discussion. Active participation will be expected from the non-presenting students. Depending on the number of students, the study group will be supported by specialized lectures by experts in the field.
Formål: Protein science is central in the fundamental understanding of how organisms function, and in the application of proteins in medicine and biotechnology. The function of proteins is carried out through their three-dimensional structure and dynamics. The aim of this course is to guide students who already have a basic knowledge of protein chemistry through more advanced aspects of protein science based on critical reading of original literature.
Course description: The course will cover several aspects of the relationship between protein structure and function by going into depths into several case studies primarily through reading of original literature. Aspects of structure and function of proteases, carbohydrate-active and nucleotide metabolism enzymes, transcription factors and designed proteins will be covered, with other topics varying from year to year. A short practical introduction to protein sequence and structure databases and melcular graphics programs will be given as part of the course.
Målbeskrivelse: The students must be able to:
  • recognize and describe different types of structures and functional mechanisms for proteins.
  • independently read and evaluate original research articles and critically describe how the experiments give information on the relationship between protein structure and function.
  • formulate themselves precisely both orally and in writing when discussing protein structure and function.
  • Lærebøger: David Whitford (2005) ”Proteins structure and function” Wiley.
    Faglige forudsætninger: A basic knowledge of protein chemistry is recommended
    Eksamensform: Final evaluation will be through a written assignment which must be defended orally. Censorship is external, and marks are according to the 7-step-scale. Re-examination: As the ordinary examination.
    Eksamen: Mundtlig prøve på baggrund af rapport. Aflevering af rapport d. 14. juni og mundtlig prøve d. 21. juni 2013.
    Reeksamen: Mundtlig prøve på baggrund af rapport. Aflevering af rapport d. 19. august og mundtlig prøve d. 23. august 2013.
    Kursus hjemmeside:
    Undervisnings- sprog: Engelsk
    Sidst redigeret: 29/10-2012

    Københavns Universitet