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Introduction to Bioinformatics (BioInf)

Semesterangivelse: Forårs kursus Kurset udbydes i blok 3 Kurset udbydes i skemagruppe B Kurset giver 7,5 ETCS point


Udgave: Forår 2013 NAT
ECTS points: 7,5
Point: 7,5
Blokstruktur: 3. blok
Skemagruppe: B
Fagområde: andet
Varighed: 7 uger med max 9 timer pr. uge (6 forelæsninger + 3 øvelser).
Institutter: Department of Biology
Uddannelsesdel: Bachelor niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Anders Krogh, krogh@binf.ku.dk, og Jeppe Vinther, jvinther@bio.ku.dk
Skema- oplysninger: Forelæsninger mandag og fredag 9-12, workshops tirsdag 13-16.
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet Forår 2013 NAT
Undervisnings- periode: Uge 6-15
Undervisnings- form: Forelæsninger, øvelser og workshops
Formål: After successfully completing the course students will be able to use, apply and understand the most important bioinformatical tools and theories that can facilitate their future work in biological sciences (e.g. biology, biochemistry, biomedicine etc.).
  • Use: How do you use a specific tool? There are numerous programs available, and you learn how to use a number of them. Both webservers and stand-alone programs are covered.
  • Apply: What method should you apply to a specific biological problem? With the variety of possible programs at hand, it can be difficult to figure out what program to use. In this course you learn which program to use to solve a problem.
  • Understand: How do the programs work? It is one thing to use a program by clicking on the start-button, but to really appreciate the results and the differences between methods, you need to understand how they work. You learn the general ideas behind the different methods without going into the programming details.
    You are encouraged to check the course homepage from the last course for more details.
  • Indhold: Biological databases, sequence alignment (pairwise and multiple), phylogeny, protein and RNA structure, expression analysis, genome sequencing, mapping and assembly, next generation sequencing, systems biology.
    Målbeskrivelse: To get the grade 12 (outstanding performance, non or very few insignificant omissions):
  • The student can apply bioinformatics in the biological sciences.
  • The student can use all the tools covered in the course to solve different bioinformatics problems and can correctly interpret the results and explain possible short-comings of the tools.
  • The student can perform a correct bioinformatics analysis of a given biological problem, which includes the selection of relevant tools. The student can explain possible weaknesses of the analyses and suggest further analyses.
  • The student can explain the basic concepts behind all topics covered.
  • The student can describe in detail the major algorithms covered.
  • Lærebøger: Marketa Zvelebil and Jeromy O. Baum: "Understanding Bioinformatics", Garland Science 2008, ISBN 0-8153-4024-9
    Tilmelding: Tilmelding foregår på selvbetjeningenKUnet i perioden 15. november - 1. december.
    Faglige forudsætninger: Basic genetics, biochemistry (incl. protein chemistry) and molecular biology. It is recommended that biochemistry students follow the course after having passed Biologi A2, KemiUB, Biokemi 1+2, Molecular Genetics (theory); and biology students follow the course after having passed: Matematik/Statistik, Almen Biokemi, Almen Molekylærbiologi and Genteknologi 1; and molbiomed students should follow the course after having passed Molekylærbiologi, Signaltransduktion and Cellebiologi.
    Students should bring a laptop computer to fully benefit from the course, since the use of computers is tightly integrated in the course. Windows is the preferred operating system, but MacOS and linux are also possibilities. Students should know how to use and administer their computer productively. No expert knowledge or programming skills are needed. See course homepage for more details. It should be noted that the institute has a limited number of laptops that students can borrow for use during the lectures (not for homework etc.)
    Eksamensform: Individual oral exam (30 min.) based on practical assignment, evaluated using the 7-grade scale. Internal censorship.
    Reexam: Oral exam (30 min.) based on curriculum (no preparation and no aid), internal censorship and 7-grade scale.
    Eksamen: Mundtlig prøve d. 9.-12. april 2013.
    Reeksamen: Mundtlig prøve d. 28. juni 2013.
    Kursus hjemmeside:
    Undervisnings- sprog: Engelsk
    Sidst redigeret: 26/10-2012

    Københavns Universitet