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Nanophysics 1 - Quantum Nanoelectronics

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus Kurset udbydes i blok 2 Kurset udbydes i skemagruppe A Kurset giver 7,5 ETCS point


Udgave: Efterår 2012 NAT
Point: 7,5
Blokstruktur: 2. blok
Skemagruppe: A
Fagområde: fys
Institutter: Niels Bohr Institute
Uddannelsesdel: Kandidat niveau
Kontaktpersoner: Jesper Nygård, tel: 35 32 04 86, e-mail: nygard@nbi.dk, office: HCØ D520
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet Efterår 2012 NAT
Undervisnings- periode: 19. november 2012 til 27. januar 2013
Formål: We aim at giving a theoretical introduction to selected topics in the physics of nanostructures, with emphasis on experimental research areas at the Nano-Science Center. The general theme is current flow (electron transport) in nanoscale structures, where quantum effects are expressed clearly. The basic formalism, key concepts and real experiments will be discussed, rather than complete theoretical treatments, which are covered in other courses. The students will be provided with the background for understanding a wealth of recent experiments in the field which ranges from single-electron transport through “artificial atoms” in semiconductor structures to real “molecular transistors” based on single molecules. In addition to the purely scientific interest, these phenomena are also of technological importance in nanoelectronics and potential future applications in quantum information processing.
Indhold: Electronic transport in nanostructures. The course will cover the following areas: concepts in electron transport, current flow in nanostructures, mesoscopic electron transport, the quantization of charge, flux, and conductance and their consequences for transport, Landauer (transmition) formalism, and spintronics. The chosen examples will include quantum wires, low dimensional semiconductor structures, quantum dots,graphene, carbon nanotubes, molecular transistors, and other timely subjects in nanoelectronics. One session wil be devoted to nano fabrication. The course will combine textbook material with recent research reports and reviews. Students are expected to participate actively in this approach, eg by giving individual presentations of selected papers.
After completing the course the student should to receive the top grade be able to:
  • demonstrate understanding of the basic formalism and the key concepts within electron transport
  • describe the differences between transport in bulk materials (metals, semiconductors) and nanostructures
  • explain the most prominent consequences of quantum effects in electron transport through nanostructures (limited to the contents of the course)
  • describe the functionality of selected nanoelectronic devices based on these principles
  • differentiate between various regimes of mesoscopic electron transport
  • sketch the key elements in realizing an electron transport experiment on a nanostructure
  • identify the relevant physical parameters in such an experiment, e.g. the essential length scales, energy scales, characteristic temperatures, quantized units etc
  • present clearly the phenomena reported in a research article within the field of experimental electron transport in nanostructures (in the following referred to as “the article”)
  • plan a presentation that within the allotted time covers the necessary introduction/background as well as items from the specific article
  • differentiate between the essential information and technical details in the article
  • reproduce and discuss the main features and trends in graphical representations of transport data
  • interpret the experimental data and explain qualitatively the origin of the phenomena reported in the article
  • relate the findings to the theory treated in the course
  • demonstrate through the presentation and discussion that familiarity with the concepts and terms introduced in the course has been obtained
  • demonstrate use of basic physical arguments, estimates and/or minimalistic calculations to support the presentation whenever necessary (no complete theoretical treatments are expected)
  • relate or contrast to relevant examples (e.g. other articles) known from the course in order to demonstrate a broader understanding of the field
  • evaluate critically the article’s conclusions to the extent that the background for this discussion has been treated in the course.

    Graded course. The mark 12 will be given when the student demonstrates a complete fullfilment of the course goals.
  • Lærebøger: Thomas Ihn "Semiconductor Nanostructures", Oxford University Press 2010 (to be confirmed on course homepage prior to start), and supplementary material; see homepage
    Foregår på selvbetjeningen d. 15.maj - 1. juni
    Faglige forudsætninger: Basic study program in physics or nanoscience, incl. quantum mechanics and electrodynamics. An introduction to solid state physics, e.g. the course Condensed Matter Physics 1 (CMP 1), is strongly recommended. Nanoscience students should have completed the Nano 3 course.
    Formelle krav: Ingen
    Eksamensform: Oral examination, incl. presentation and discussion of a "take-home" article (2 days preparation). Graded according to the 7-step scale. Internal censorship.
    Reexam will be held as the ordinary exam.
    Eksamen: Udlevering af eksamensspørgsmål den 22. januar og mundtlig prøve den 24. januar 2013. Reeksamen: Udlevering af eksamensspørgsmål den 16. april og mundtlig prøve den 18. april 2013.
    Kursus hjemmeside:
    Bemærkninger: The instructional language is English if foreign students attend the course.
    Undervisnings- sprog: Engelsk
    Sidst redigeret: 26/4-2012

    Københavns Universitet