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Filosofi og samfund, Modul 3: Applied Political Philosophy

Semesterangivelse: Efterårs kursus


Udgave: Efterår 2012 Hum
ECTS points: 15 ECTS
Årsværk: 15 ECTS


1. af 1
Institutter: Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Undervisere: Martin Lemberg Pedersen
Skema- oplysninger:  Vis skema for kurset
Samlet oversigt over tid og sted for alle kurser inden for Lektionsplan for Det Humanistiske Fakultet Efterår 2012 Hum
Indhold: This course examines normative, conceptual and methodological issues arising from the development of migration and border control by the EU and European states. Through normative analyses of central government policy papers, ngo-reports and EU documents the course adds empirical depth to discussions of immigration policies by identifying central issues at stake in discourses for and against restrictive immigration measures. This leads to questions such as: Does illegal immigration constitute a security threat that undermines the European institution of asylum? Or, is the criminalization of irregular migration in itself undermining a European tradition of protection? Does the establishment of migrant detention camps inside and outside European territory violate the autonomy of migrants? Which effects does encampment of migrants have for their future ability to contribute to society? Does the privatization of border control offer more efficient migration management or diffuse the chain of responsibility and accountability? Can externalized border control be said to do/ allow, intend/foresee harm to migrants? At the same time the focus on actual policies, practices and discourses also prompts certain methodological issues concerning the role of applied political philosophy itself. Thus, the course will also deal with questions such as: Which philosophical approaches can be utilized for analyses of policy documents? How can philosophers involve other disciplines and subdisciplines to discuss current policies and practices? Can the distinction between analytical and continental philosophy be turned into a productive relationship when used to inform analyses of European asylum policy?
Kursus hjemmeside:
Sidst redigeret: 21/5-2012

Københavns Universitet